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Prima [IT]

+ d'infos sur le texte de Pascal Rambert traduit par Chiara Elefante
mise en scène Pascal Rambert

: Presentation

The theatrical triptych by Pascal Rambert for three seasons of the Piccolo opens with Prima – the following parts will be Durante and Dopo – in which we follow the events surrounding a theatrical company as it prepares to stage a text based on the Battaglia di San Romano by Paolo Uccello. “When I begin writing a new work – explains Rambert –, even before I put pen to paper, I choose the actors. I always begin with that incredible meeting of voices, bodies, different ages, and different energies that a company of actors represents for me. For several reasons, I wanted to work with Anna Bonaiuto and Sandro Lombardi, who I know and whose career I admire, with Marco Foschi, who has special charisma, with Leda Kreider and her enchanting reservedness, and with Anna Della Rosa, because she has performed in all the pieces I have staged in Italy”. A story of an impossible love between an older woman and a much younger man, in turn divided between two women; a play to be staged, inspired by the pictorial triptych by Paolo Uccello, as cryptic as the universe of feelings; actors who cancel out the confine between private and public life. “Just like in life, in the theatre, – continues Rambert – there is a “before” (rehearsals), a “during” (the play), and an “after” (how the play affects the actors and the audience). I wanted to examine the consequences of our actions and our feelings, and of the way in which we influence others; the art of theatre is nothing more than this. And while it is true that theatre influences life, it is also true that the way in which an actor brings life to the character that they are assigned is part of that great aesthetic and sentimental battle that takes place on stage”.

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