The Witches

The Witches

de Roald Dahl

Écrit en 1983 - anglais


The bond between the boy and his grandmother becomes the centrepiece of the talea partnership of love and understanding that survives even the boy's unfortunate transformation into a mouse. And once the two have teamed up to outwitch the witches, the boy's declaration that he's glad he's a mouse because he will now live only as long as his grandmother is far more poignant than eerie. Of course, there's adventure here along with Dahl's trademark cleverness and sense of the grotesque. Dahl also communicates some essential truths to children: if they smoke cigars, they'll never catch cold, and, most importantly, they should never bathe, because a clean child is far, far easier for a witch to smell than a dirty one.

Nombre de personnages

  • 1 homme(s)
  • 2 femme(s)
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