Query Metrics

23 Database Queries
23 Different statements
1221.96 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities
0 Cache hits
0 Cache misses
0 Cache puts


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 0.51 ms
SELECT idperson FROM persons WHERE url_clean='Miguel-Ange-Sarmiento'
2 2.93 ms
SELECT p0_.idperson AS idperson_0, p0_.lastname AS lastname_1, p0_.firstname AS firstname_2, p0_.sexe AS sexe_3, p0_.datestart AS datestart_4, p0_.dateend AS dateend_5, p0_.language AS language_6, p0_.language2 AS language2_7, p0_.email AS email_8, p0_.comment AS comment_9, p0_.cname AS cname_10, p0_.caddress AS caddress_11, p0_.czip AS czip_12, p0_.ccity AS ccity_13, p0_.ccountry AS ccountry_14, p0_.cphone AS cphone_15, p0_.cfax AS cfax_16, p0_.cemail AS cemail_17, p0_.cmobile AS cmobile_18, p0_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_19, p0_.url_clean AS url_clean_20, p0_.url_mav AS url_mav_21, p0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_22, p0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_23, p0_.publish AS publish_24, p0_.valid AS valid_25, p0_.idcorvin AS idcorvin_26, p0_.country AS country_27, p0_.idrole AS idrole_28, p0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_29 FROM persons p0_ WHERE p0_.idperson = ?
3 1.28 ms
                FROM text_author ta, texts t
                WHERE t.idtext=ta.idtext AND t.textfictif=0
                AND ta.idperson=13696 AND t.publish=1 AND t.type IN (0,2)
4 0.72 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(tt.idtext)) as total
                FROM text_translator tt, texts t
                WHERE 1
                AND t.idtext=tt.idtext
                AND t.textfictif=0
                AND tt.idperson=13696 AND t.publish=1
5 0.40 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(sp.idspectacle)) as total
                FROM spectacle_person sp, spectacles s
                WHERE 1
                AND sp.idspectacle=s.idspectacle
                AND sp.idperson=13696
                AND sp.idrole=1 AND s.publish=1
6 0.07 ms
SELECT fr FROM countries WHERE id='FR'
7 0.06 ms
SELECT fr FROM languages WHERE id='fr'
8 0.59 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.organisation,j1.url_clean,j2.idoffice,j2.date_start,j2.date_end ,j3.idperson FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.contact_person j2, theatreok_dev.persons j3
                        WHERE j3.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.idperson=13696  AND j2.idoffice=1
9 0.08 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.classification IN ('class_biotxt'))) AND persons=1
10 1.86 ms
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='13696'
                   AND oc.object='persons'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND c.publish=1 AND ((cl.classification IN ('class_biotxt'))) ORDER BY c.`range`,c.idcontent
11 0.08 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.classification IN ('class_photo_person'))) AND persons=1
12 2.73 ms
                FROM object_file of,
                     files f,
                     file_classification fc,
                     classifications cl,typesfiles tf
                   WHERE of.idfile=f.idfile
                   AND f.idfile=fc.idfile
                   AND of.idobject='13696'
                   AND of.object='persons'
                   AND cl.idclassification=fc.idclassification AND f.publish=1 AND ((cl.classification IN ('class_photo_person'))) AND f.idtype=tf.idtype ORDER BY f.`range`,f.idfile
13 1.28 ms
SELECT t.`idtext`
                           FROM text_author ta
                           JOIN texts t ON ta.`idtext`=t.`idtext`
                           WHERE ta.`idperson` IN (13696)
14 1.05 ms
SELECT tad.`idtextadaptation`
                               FROM text_adaptation tad
                               JOIN texts t ON t.`idtext`=tad.`idtext`
                               JOIN text_author ta ON t.`idtext`=ta.`idtext`
                               WHERE ta.`idperson` IN (13696)
15 0.61 ms
SELECT t.`idtext`
                               FROM text_translator tt
                               JOIN texts t ON tt.`idtext`=t.`idtext`
                               tt.`idperson` IN (13696)
16 1.23 ms
SELECT tt.`idtexttraduction`
                                FROM text_traduction tt
                                JOIN text_author ta ON tt.`idtext`=ta.`idtext`
                                JOIN texts t ON tt.`idtext`=t.`idtext`
                                WHERE ta.`idperson` IN (13696)
17 1197.79 ms
SELECT s.`idspectacle`
                               FROM spectacles s
                               LEFT JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idspectacle`=s.`idspectacle`
                               LEFT JOIN text_spectacle ts ON ts.`idspectacle`=s.`idspectacle`
                               WHERE s.`publish`=1 AND s.`valid`=1
                               AND (sp.`idperson`=13696 OR ts.`idtext` IN (25833) )
18 1.06 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(ct.`idcontent`))
            FROM spectacles s
            JOIN object_content oc ON s.`idspectacle`=oc.`idobject`
            JOIN contents ct ON oc.`idcontent`=ct.`idcontent`
            JOIN content_classification cc ON ct.`idcontent`=cc.`idcontent`
            WHERE s.`publish`=1 AND s.`valid`=1
            AND ct.`publish`=1 AND ct.`valid`=1
            AND cc.`idclassification`=101
            AND s.`idspectacle` IN (2878,4041)
19 1.35 ms
SELECT r.idrole, r.role, r.role_male, r.role_female, lg.fr
                    spectacle_person sp
                    JOIN roles r ON sp.idrole=r.idrole
                    JOIN langterms lg ON lg.id=r.role
                WHERE sp.idperson=13696
                GROUP BY r.idrole
20 1.07 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (s0_.idspectacle)) AS sclr_0, MIN(s1_.date) AS sclr_1 FROM spectacles s0_ LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t3_ ON s0_.idspectacle = t3_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t2_ ON t2_.idtext = t3_.idtext LEFT JOIN typesspectacles t4_ ON s0_.idtypespectacle = t4_.idtypespectacle LEFT JOIN schedules s1_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s1_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN spectacle_person s6_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s6_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN persons p5_ ON p5_.idperson = s6_.idperson INNER JOIN contacts c7_ ON s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact WHERE s1_.idspectacle = s0_.idspectacle AND (s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact OR s1_.idcontact_festival = c7_.idcontact) AND t2_.idtext IN (25833) ORDER BY s1_.date ASC
21 0.88 ms
SELECT schedules.`date`, YEAR(schedules.`date`) as annee
            FROM schedules, spectacles
            WHERE schedules.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle`
            AND spectacles.`publish`=1
            AND schedules.`idspectacle` IN (2878,4041)
            ORDER BY schedules.`date`
22 2.77 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (s0_.idspectacle)) AS sclr_0, MIN(s1_.date) AS sclr_1 FROM spectacles s0_ LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t3_ ON s0_.idspectacle = t3_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t2_ ON t2_.idtext = t3_.idtext LEFT JOIN typesspectacles t4_ ON s0_.idtypespectacle = t4_.idtypespectacle LEFT JOIN schedules s1_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s1_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN spectacle_person s6_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s6_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN persons p5_ ON p5_.idperson = s6_.idperson INNER JOIN contacts c7_ ON s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact WHERE s1_.idspectacle = s0_.idspectacle AND (s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact OR s1_.idcontact_festival = c7_.idcontact) AND s0_.idspectacle IN (2878, 4041) ORDER BY sclr_1 DESC
23 1.58 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (s0_.idspectacle)) AS sclr_0, MIN(s1_.date) AS sclr_1 FROM spectacles s0_ LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t3_ ON s0_.idspectacle = t3_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t2_ ON t2_.idtext = t3_.idtext LEFT JOIN typesspectacles t4_ ON s0_.idtypespectacle = t4_.idtypespectacle LEFT JOIN schedules s1_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s1_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN spectacle_person s6_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s6_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN persons p5_ ON p5_.idperson = s6_.idperson INNER JOIN contacts c7_ ON s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact WHERE s1_.idspectacle = s0_.idspectacle AND (s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact OR s1_.idcontact_festival = c7_.idcontact) AND s0_.idspectacle IN (2878, 4041) AND ((s1_.date BETWEEN '2024-05-02' AND '2026-04-22')) ORDER BY s1_.date ASC

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

0 Hits
0 Misses
0 Puts