Query Metrics

171 Database Queries
62 Different statements
125.71 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities
0 Cache hits
0 Cache misses
0 Cache puts


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 0.07 ms
SELECT DISTINCT idtypestructure, typestructure,typestructure_pluriel FROM typesstructures WHERE 1  AND public_view=1  AND idtypestructure IN ('SN','TN','CDN','SC')  ORDER BY order_view, typestructure
2 28.27 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t0_.idtext) AS sclr_0, MIN(s1_.date) AS sclr_1 FROM spectacles s2_ LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t3_ ON s2_.idspectacle = t3_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t0_ ON t0_.idtext = t3_.idtext LEFT JOIN typesspectacles t4_ ON s2_.idtypespectacle = t4_.idtypespectacle LEFT JOIN schedules s1_ ON s2_.idspectacle = s1_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN spectacle_person s6_ ON s2_.idspectacle = s6_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN persons p5_ ON p5_.idperson = s6_.idperson INNER JOIN contacts c7_ ON s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact LEFT JOIN text_author t9_ ON t0_.idtext = t9_.idtext LEFT JOIN persons p8_ ON p8_.idperson = t9_.idperson LEFT JOIN persons p10_ ON (p10_.idperson = p8_.idperson) WHERE s2_.textfictif = 0 AND t0_.idcontact_publisher IS NOT NULL AND t0_.type IN (0, 1) AND ((p10_.dateend IS NULL OR p10_.dateend = 0 OR p10_.dateend >= '1954')) AND s1_.idspectacle = s2_.idspectacle AND (s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact OR s1_.idcontact_festival = c7_.idcontact) AND ((s1_.date BETWEEN '2024-04-30' AND '2025-04-30')) AND s2_.title IS NULL ORDER BY s1_.date ASC
3 65.47 ms
SELECT DISTINCT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, t1_.url_clean AS url_clean_1, s2_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_2, s2_.title AS title_3, s2_.language AS language_4, s2_.creation_date AS creation_date_5, s2_.url_page AS url_page_6, s2_.infos AS infos_7, s2_.tag AS tag_8, s2_.id_rubrique AS id_rubrique_9, s2_.duration AS duration_10, s2_.interlude AS interlude_11, s2_.textfictif AS textfictif_12, s2_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_13, s2_.url_clean AS url_clean_14, s2_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_15, s2_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_16, s2_.publish AS publish_17, s2_.statut AS statut_18, s2_.valid AS valid_19, t1_.idtext AS idtext_20, t1_.type AS type_21, t1_.idtypetext AS idtypetext_22, t1_.special_text AS special_text_23, t1_.title AS title_24, t1_.subtitle AS subtitle_25, t1_.date AS date_26, t1_.language AS language_27, t1_.markdown AS markdown_28, t1_.abstract AS abstract_29, t1_.abstract_author AS abstract_author_30, t1_.abstract_date AS abstract_date_31, t1_.abstract_url AS abstract_url_32, t1_.publisher_url_text AS publisher_url_text_33, t1_.publication_year AS publication_year_34, t1_.publication_month AS publication_month_35, t1_.isbn AS isbn_36, t1_.ean AS ean_37, t1_.publishinfos AS publishinfos_38, t1_.urltextaccess AS urltextaccess_39, t1_.emailtextaccess AS emailtextaccess_40, t1_.idfiletextaccess AS idfiletextaccess_41, t1_.filetextaccesssave AS filetextaccesssave_42, t1_.textaccessmore AS textaccessmore_43, t1_.request_translation_text AS request_translation_text_44, t1_.request_performing_text AS request_performing_text_45, t1_.help_translation AS help_translation_46, t1_.help_publishing AS help_publishing_47, t1_.help_other AS help_other_48, t1_.moreinfo AS moreinfo_49, t1_.nmale AS nmale_50, t1_.nfemale AS nfemale_51, t1_.npeople AS npeople_52, t1_.textorder AS textorder_53, t1_.nbpages AS nbpages_54, t1_.price AS price_55, t1_.selection_aneth AS selection_aneth_56, t1_.idtext_aneth AS idtext_aneth_57, t1_.aide_creation AS aide_creation_58, t1_.comments AS comments_59, t1_.url_clean AS url_clean_60, t1_.textfictif AS textfictif_61, t1_.valid_opendata AS valid_opendata_62, t1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_63, t1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_64, t1_.publish AS publish_65, t1_.statut AS statut_66, t1_.valid AS valid_67, t3_.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_68 FROM spectacles s2_ LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t4_ ON s2_.idspectacle = t4_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t1_ ON t1_.idtext = t4_.idtext LEFT JOIN typesspectacles t3_ ON s2_.idtypespectacle = t3_.idtypespectacle LEFT JOIN schedules s0_ ON s2_.idspectacle = s0_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN spectacle_person s6_ ON s2_.idspectacle = s6_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN persons p5_ ON p5_.idperson = s6_.idperson INNER JOIN contacts c7_ ON s0_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact LEFT JOIN text_author t9_ ON t1_.idtext = t9_.idtext LEFT JOIN persons p8_ ON p8_.idperson = t9_.idperson LEFT JOIN persons p10_ ON (p10_.idperson = p8_.idperson) WHERE s2_.textfictif = 0 AND t1_.idcontact_publisher IS NOT NULL AND t1_.type IN (0, 1) AND ((p10_.dateend IS NULL OR p10_.dateend = 0 OR p10_.dateend >= '1954')) AND s0_.idspectacle = s2_.idspectacle AND (s0_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact OR s0_.idcontact_festival = c7_.idcontact) AND ((s0_.date BETWEEN '2024-04-30' AND '2025-04-30')) AND s2_.title IS NULL GROUP BY t1_.idtext ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 20
4 0.23 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
5 0.09 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
6 0.08 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=26702  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
7 0.08 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=35723  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
8 0.15 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
9 0.14 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
10 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
11 0.04 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
                  AND tt.idtexttraduction=35903
                  ORDER BY t.title
12 0.05 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=33016  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
13 0.06 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=33112  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
14 0.10 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
15 0.06 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
16 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
17 0.04 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
                  AND tt.idtexttraduction=42556
                  ORDER BY t.title
18 0.03 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=42555  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
19 0.05 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=34294  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
20 0.08 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
21 0.04 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
22 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
23 0.06 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
                  AND tt.idtexttraduction=17487
                  ORDER BY t.title
24 0.04 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=17485  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
25 0.05 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=36074  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
26 0.11 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
27 0.05 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
28 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
29 0.04 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=7480  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
30 0.06 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=5092  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
31 0.09 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
32 0.05 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
33 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
34 0.04 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
                  AND tt.idtexttraduction=44232
                  ORDER BY t.title
35 0.04 ms
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                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
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36 0.05 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
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                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=35870  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
37 0.08 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
38 0.04 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
39 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
40 0.04 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
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41 0.05 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
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                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=30580  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
42 0.09 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
43 0.05 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
44 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
45 0.05 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
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                  ORDER BY t.title
46 0.05 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
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47 0.05 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
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                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=36943  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
48 0.08 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
49 0.04 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
50 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
51 0.04 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=13252  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
52 0.04 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=36319  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
53 0.08 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
54 0.04 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
55 0.17 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
56 0.42 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
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57 0.91 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=35369  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
58 1.93 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
59 0.06 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
60 0.03 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
61 0.04 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
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62 0.04 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=36917  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
63 0.11 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
64 0.05 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
65 0.20 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
66 0.04 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=44675  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
67 0.92 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=36403  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
68 1.50 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
69 0.05 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
70 0.29 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
71 0.04 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
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72 0.86 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=34451  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
73 1.58 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
74 0.06 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
75 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
76 0.04 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
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77 0.05 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=7418  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
78 0.12 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
79 0.05 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
80 0.15 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
81 0.24 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=1506  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
82 0.76 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=36958  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
83 1.20 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
84 0.05 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
85 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
86 0.04 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=6909  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
87 0.04 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=36886  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
88 1.10 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
89 0.05 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
90 0.27 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
91 0.32 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
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92 0.67 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=36132  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
93 1.41 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
94 0.05 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
95 0.05 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
96 0.05 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=38024  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
97 0.05 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=34323  ORDER BY p.`lastname`
98 0.08 ms
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99 0.04 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
100 0.13 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
101 0.32 ms
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102 0.24 ms
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104 1.24 ms
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105 0.20 ms
SELECT t0.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_1, t0.typespectacle AS typespectacle_2 FROM typesspectacles t0 WHERE t0.idtypespectacle IN (?) LIMIT 1
106 0.22 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
107 0.23 ms
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108 0.77 ms
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109 1.15 ms
SELECT MIN(s0_.date) AS sclr_0, MAX(s0_.date) AS sclr_1, s0_.idschedule AS idschedule_2, s0_.date AS date_3, s0_.hour AS hour_4, s0_.is_creation AS is_creation_5, s0_.is_cancelled AS is_cancelled_6, s0_.idcontact_festival AS idcontact_festival_7, s0_.url_spectacle AS url_spectacle_8, s0_.url_booking AS url_booking_9, s0_.note AS note_10, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, s0_.publish AS publish_13, s0_.valid AS valid_14, c1_.idcontact AS idcontact_15, c1_.type AS type_16, c1_.organisation AS organisation_17, c1_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_18, c1_.lastname AS lastname_19, c1_.firstname AS firstname_20, c1_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_21, c1_.license AS license_22, c1_.comment AS comment_23, c1_.private_comment AS private_comment_24, c1_.address1 AS address1_25, c1_.address2 AS address2_26, c1_.zip AS zip_27, c1_.city AS city_28, c1_.phone1 AS phone1_29, c1_.phone2 AS phone2_30, c1_.fax AS fax_31, c1_.email1 AS email1_32, c1_.email1_online AS email1_online_33, c1_.email2_online AS email2_online_34, c1_.email2 AS email2_35, c1_.url AS url_36, c1_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_37, c1_.facebook AS facebook_38, c1_.twitter AS twitter_39, c1_.instagram AS instagram_40, c1_.mobile AS mobile_41, c1_.geocodable AS geocodable_42, c1_.x AS x_43, c1_.y AS y_44, c1_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_45, c1_.type_view AS type_view_46, c1_.stats_access AS stats_access_47, c1_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_48, c1_.is_festival AS is_festival_49, c1_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_50, c1_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_51, c1_.valid_version AS valid_version_52, c1_.other_versions AS other_versions_53, c1_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_54, c1_.url_clean AS url_clean_55, c1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_56, c1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_57, c1_.publish AS publish_58, c1_.valid AS valid_59, s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_60, s0_.idcontact AS idcontact_61, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_62, c1_.country AS country_63, c1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_64 FROM schedules s0_ LEFT JOIN contacts c1_ ON s0_.idcontact = c1_.idcontact WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ? AND s0_.date >= ? GROUP BY s0_.idcontact ORDER BY s0_.date ASC LIMIT 1
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SELECT DISTINCT(T1.`idtext`), T1.`title`,T1.`url_clean`,T1.`publication_year`,T1.`publication_month`,T1.`isbn`,T1.`textfictif`,T1.`dateinsert`,T1.`textorder`,T1.`type`,T1.`publish`,T1.`statut`,T1.`valid`,T2.`idcontact`,T2.`url_clean` as `url_clean_publisher`,T2.`organisation`,
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113 0.04 ms
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118 0.12 ms
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119 0.08 ms
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123 0.12 ms
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124 0.05 ms
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128 0.05 ms
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129 0.05 ms
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130 0.11 ms
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131 0.12 ms
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135 0.04 ms
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136 0.04 ms
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137 0.11 ms
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138 0.04 ms
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143 0.04 ms
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144 0.09 ms
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145 0.04 ms
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146 0.09 ms
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147 0.07 ms
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148 0.04 ms
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149 0.04 ms
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150 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
151 0.03 ms
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152 0.03 ms
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153 0.03 ms
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154 0.11 ms
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155 0.04 ms
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156 0.09 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
157 0.04 ms
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158 0.08 ms
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159 0.04 ms
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160 0.04 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
161 0.04 ms
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                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=38024  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
162 0.08 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
163 0.04 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
                  AND tt.idtexttraduction=38716
                  ORDER BY t.title
164 0.03 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=38715  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
165 0.21 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_translator j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=38716  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
166 0.04 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
                  AND tt.idtexttraduction=38716
                  ORDER BY t.title
167 0.09 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
168 0.03 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=31857  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
169 0.65 ms
SELECT * FROM bannieres
                WHERE publish=1
                AND valid=1
                AND is_region=1
                AND date_start<='2024-04-30'
                AND date_end>='2024-04-30' AND (region IS NULL AND country IS NULL) ORDER BY bannieres.order ASC
170 0.05 ms
SELECT * FROM bannieres
                WHERE publish=1
                AND valid=1
                AND is_national=1
                AND date_start<='2024-04-30'
                AND date_end>='2024-04-30'
                ORDER BY bannieres.order ASC
                LIMIT 0,10
171 0.66 ms
SELECT * FROM bannieres
                WHERE publish=1
                AND valid=1
                AND is_bottom=1
                AND date_start<=NOW()
                AND date_end>=NOW()
                ORDER BY bannieres.order ASC
                LIMIT 0,10

Database Connections

Name Service
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Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

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0 Hits
0 Misses
0 Puts