Query Metrics

48 Database Queries
45 Different statements
663.71 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities
0 Cache hits
0 Cache misses
0 Cache puts


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 0.30 ms
SELECT idperson FROM persons WHERE url_clean='Jon-Fosse'
2 0.35 ms
SELECT p0_.idperson AS idperson_0, p0_.lastname AS lastname_1, p0_.firstname AS firstname_2, p0_.sexe AS sexe_3, p0_.datestart AS datestart_4, p0_.dateend AS dateend_5, p0_.language AS language_6, p0_.language2 AS language2_7, AS email_8, p0_.comment AS comment_9, p0_.cname AS cname_10, p0_.caddress AS caddress_11, p0_.czip AS czip_12, p0_.ccity AS ccity_13, p0_.ccountry AS ccountry_14, p0_.cphone AS cphone_15, p0_.cfax AS cfax_16, p0_.cemail AS cemail_17, p0_.cmobile AS cmobile_18, p0_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_19, p0_.url_clean AS url_clean_20, p0_.url_mav AS url_mav_21, p0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_22, p0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_23, p0_.publish AS publish_24, p0_.valid AS valid_25, p0_.idcorvin AS idcorvin_26, AS country_27, p0_.idrole AS idrole_28, p0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_29 FROM persons p0_ WHERE p0_.idperson = ?
3 0.91 ms
                FROM text_author ta, texts t
                WHERE t.idtext=ta.idtext AND t.textfictif=0
                AND ta.idperson=75 AND t.publish=1 AND t.type IN (0,2)
4 0.24 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(tt.idtext)) as total
                FROM text_translator tt, texts t
                WHERE 1
                AND t.idtext=tt.idtext
                AND t.textfictif=0
                AND tt.idperson=75 AND t.publish=1
5 0.27 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(sp.idspectacle)) as total
                FROM spectacle_person sp, spectacles s
                WHERE 1
                AND sp.idspectacle=s.idspectacle
                AND sp.idperson=75
                AND sp.idrole=1 AND s.publish=1
6 0.10 ms
SELECT fr FROM countries WHERE id='NO'
7 0.12 ms
SELECT fr FROM languages WHERE id='no'
8 0.29 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.organisation,j1.url_clean,j2.idoffice,j2.date_start,j2.date_end ,j3.idperson FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.contact_person j2, theatreok_dev.persons j3
                        WHERE j3.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.idperson=75  AND j2.idoffice=1
9 0.04 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.classification IN ('class_biotxt'))) AND persons=1
10 1.49 ms
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='75'
                   AND oc.object='persons'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND c.publish=1 AND ((cl.classification IN ('class_biotxt'))) ORDER BY c.`range`,c.idcontent
11 0.27 ms
SELECT j1.idclassification,j1.classification,j1.type,j1.idgroupclassification ,j3.idcontent FROM theatreok_dev.classifications j1, theatreok_dev.content_classification j2, theatreok_dev.contents j3
                        WHERE j3.idcontent=j2.idcontent
                        AND j1.idclassification=j2.idclassification
                        AND j3.idcontent=35
12 0.05 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.classification IN ('class_photo_person'))) AND persons=1
13 1.13 ms
                FROM object_file of,
                     files f,
                     file_classification fc,
                     classifications cl,typesfiles tf
                   WHERE of.idfile=f.idfile
                   AND f.idfile=fc.idfile
                   AND of.idobject='75'
                   AND of.object='persons'
                   AND cl.idclassification=fc.idclassification AND f.publish=1 AND ((cl.classification IN ('class_photo_person'))) AND f.idtype=tf.idtype ORDER BY f.`range`,f.idfile
14 0.36 ms
SELECT t.`idtext`
                           FROM text_author ta
                           JOIN texts t ON ta.`idtext`=t.`idtext`
                           WHERE ta.`idperson` IN (75)
15 0.37 ms
SELECT tad.`idtextadaptation`
                               FROM text_adaptation tad
                               JOIN texts t ON t.`idtext`=tad.`idtext`
                               JOIN text_author ta ON t.`idtext`=ta.`idtext`
                               WHERE ta.`idperson` IN (75)
16 0.35 ms
SELECT t.`idtext`
                               FROM text_translator tt
                               JOIN texts t ON tt.`idtext`=t.`idtext`
                               tt.`idperson` IN (75)
17 0.44 ms
SELECT tt.`idtexttraduction`
                                FROM text_traduction tt
                                JOIN text_author ta ON tt.`idtext`=ta.`idtext`
                                JOIN texts t ON tt.`idtext`=t.`idtext`
                                WHERE ta.`idperson` IN (75)
18 628.55 ms
SELECT s.`idspectacle`
                               FROM spectacles s
                               LEFT JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idspectacle`=s.`idspectacle`
                               LEFT JOIN text_spectacle ts ON ts.`idspectacle`=s.`idspectacle`
                               WHERE s.`publish`=1 AND s.`valid`=1
                               AND (sp.`idperson`=75 OR ts.`idtext` IN (287,294,296,298,300,303,305,1567,1647,2007,2032,2197,3064,3208,3412,5316,5352,5465,5467,6721,6722,6790,6792,6887,7022,7280,8825,10628,34609,35088,36498,36499,38543,40878,13981,6889,30086,8221,6889,23589,6889,6889,10630,292,12136,295,2028,297,299,301,22278,304,1648,2008,2033,2202,3066,3209,3413,5317,5353,5466,5468,6723,6724,6791,7304,6793,6888,7023,7281,8826,10629,34610,36500,36501,38544) )
19 0.52 ms
SELECT  DISTINCT(multimedias.idmultimedia) 
FROM  `object_multimedia` ,
 WHERE 1 AND object_multimedia.`idrole`=25  AND multimedias.`publish`=1  AND object_multimedia.`object`='persons'  AND object_multimedia.`idobject`=75 AND multimedias.`idmultimedia`=object_multimedia.`idmultimedia` 
GROUP BY multimedias.idmultimedia 
ORDER BY multimedias.dateinsert 
LIMIT 0,10
20 2.77 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(ct.`idcontent`))
            FROM spectacles s
            JOIN object_content oc ON s.`idspectacle`=oc.`idobject`
            JOIN contents ct ON oc.`idcontent`=ct.`idcontent`
            JOIN content_classification cc ON ct.`idcontent`=cc.`idcontent`
            WHERE s.`publish`=1 AND s.`valid`=1
            AND ct.`publish`=1 AND ct.`valid`=1
            AND cc.`idclassification`=101
            AND s.`idspectacle` IN (1192,1266,1569,1587,1588,1589,1590,1591,1593,1594,1736,1926,2042,2475,2532,2628,2798,3058,3060,3538,3765,3831,3858,3885,3890,3891,3892,3963,4105,4159,4455,4528,4543,4656,4827,4928,4948,5089,5196,5418,5492,5862,7051,7342,7431,7514,7520,8120,8845,9532,10052,10473,10568,11349,12254,13638,14552,15040,17714,18726,18872,20782,21857,22742,23855,24099,27259,30999,31209,31616,32369,34749,35281,35455,36080)
21 0.47 ms
SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT(podcasts.idpodcast)) as total , podcasts.* 
FROM  `podcast_person` ,
 WHERE 1  AND podcasts.`publish`=1  AND podcast_person.`idperson`=75  AND podcasts.`code_franceinter` IS NOT NULL AND (`podcasts`.`type_diffusion` IS NULL OR `podcasts`.`type_diffusion` = 0) AND (podcasts.type_franceinter is NULL OR podcasts.type_franceinter = 0) AND podcasts.`idpodcast`=podcast_person.`idpodcast` 
LIMIT 0,20
22 0.33 ms
SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT(podcasts.idpodcast)) as total , podcasts.* 
FROM  `podcast_person` ,
 WHERE 1  AND podcasts.`publish`=1  AND podcast_person.`idperson`=75  AND podcasts.`code_franceinter` IS NOT NULL AND (`podcasts`.`type_diffusion` IS NULL OR `podcasts`.`type_diffusion` = 0)  AND podcasts.`type_franceinter`=1 AND podcasts.`idpodcast`=podcast_person.`idpodcast` 
LIMIT 0,20
23 0.35 ms
SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT(podcasts.idpodcast)) as total , podcasts.* 
FROM  `podcast_person` ,
 WHERE 1  AND podcasts.`publish`=1  AND podcast_person.`idperson`=75  AND podcasts.`code_soundcloud` IS NOT NULL AND (`podcasts`.`type_diffusion` IS NULL OR `podcasts`.`type_diffusion` = 0) AND podcasts.`idpodcast`=podcast_person.`idpodcast` 
LIMIT 0,20
24 0.37 ms
SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT(podcasts.idpodcast)) as total , podcasts.* 
FROM  `podcast_person` ,
 WHERE 1  AND podcasts.`publish`=1  AND podcast_person.`idperson`=75  AND ( `podcasts`.`code_franceinter` IS NOT NULL  OR `podcasts`.`code_soundcloud` IS NOT NULL ) AND (`podcasts`.`type_diffusion` IS NULL OR `podcasts`.`type_diffusion` = 0) AND podcasts.`idpodcast`=podcast_person.`idpodcast` 
LIMIT 0,20
25 0.89 ms
SELECT  DISTINCT(podcasts.idpodcast), podcasts.* 
FROM  `podcast_person` ,
 WHERE 1  AND podcasts.`publish`=1  AND podcast_person.`idperson`=75  AND ( `podcasts`.`code_franceinter` IS NOT NULL  OR `podcasts`.`code_soundcloud` IS NOT NULL ) AND (`podcasts`.`type_diffusion` IS NULL OR `podcasts`.`type_diffusion` = 0) AND podcasts.`idpodcast`=podcast_person.`idpodcast` 
GROUP BY podcasts.idpodcast 
ORDER BY podcasts.`date_podcast` 
LIMIT 0,20
26 0.52 ms
SELECT p0_.idpodcast AS idpodcast_0, p0_.title AS title_1, p0_.description AS description_2, p0_.title_program AS title_program_3, p0_.name_program AS name_program_4, p0_.date_podcast AS date_podcast_5, p0_.hour_podcast AS hour_podcast_6, p0_.code_franceinter AS code_franceinter_7, p0_.type_franceinter AS type_franceinter_8, p0_.integrate_player AS integrate_player_9, AS link_10, p0_.duration AS duration_11, p0_.code_ft AS code_ft_12, p0_.is_integrale AS is_integrale_13, p0_.type_diffusion AS type_diffusion_14, p0_.fin_visionnage_ft AS fin_visionnage_ft_15, p0_.date_captation_ft AS date_captation_ft_16, p0_.debut_visionnage_ft AS debut_visionnage_ft_17, p0_.code_arte AS code_arte_18, p0_.code_soundcloud AS code_soundcloud_19, p0_.code_spotify AS code_spotify_20, p0_.url_file AS url_file_21, p0_.url_clean AS url_clean_22, p0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_23, p0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_24, p0_.publish AS publish_25, p0_.valid AS valid_26, p0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_27 FROM podcasts p0_ WHERE p0_.idpodcast = ?
27 0.27 ms
SELECT j1.idspectacle,j1.title,j1.url_clean ,j3.idpodcast FROM theatreok_dev.spectacles j1, theatreok_dev.podcast_spectacle j2, theatreok_dev.podcasts j3
                        WHERE j3.idpodcast=j2.idpodcast
                        AND j1.idspectacle=j2.idspectacle
                        AND j3.idpodcast=1691
28 0.26 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.organisation,j1.url_clean ,j3.idpodcast FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.podcast_contact j2, theatreok_dev.podcasts j3
                        WHERE j3.idpodcast=j2.idpodcast
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.idpodcast=1691
29 0.34 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean ,j3.idpodcast FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.podcast_person j2, theatreok_dev.podcasts j3
                        WHERE j3.idpodcast=j2.idpodcast
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idpodcast=1691
30 0.23 ms
SELECT j1.idtext,j1.title,j1.url_clean ,j3.idpodcast FROM theatreok_dev.texts j1, theatreok_dev.podcast_text j2, theatreok_dev.podcasts j3
                        WHERE j3.idpodcast=j2.idpodcast
                        AND j1.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j3.idpodcast=1691
31 0.15 ms
SELECT url_file FROM podcasts WHERE idpodcast=1691
32 0.07 ms
SELECT url_file FROM podcasts WHERE idpodcast=1691
33 0.39 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.`idplaylist`)) as total
                FROM playlists p
                    LEFT JOIN playlist_classification pc ON pc.`idplaylist`=p.`idplaylist`
                    LEFT JOIN classifications c ON pc.`idclassification`=c.`idclassification`
                WHERE p.`publish`=1
                AND p.`idperson` IN (75)  AND c.`classification`='class_auteur_meme'
34 2.14 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(s.idschedule),hour,date,s.note,s.url_spectacle,s.url_booking,s.idcontact_festival,s.hour,s.idspectacle,
                    ft.idcontact as festival_idcontact,ft.organisation as festival_organisation, as festival_city,ft.url_clean as festival_url_clean
                    FROM schedules s
                    JOIN contacts c ON s.idcontact=c.idcontact
                    LEFT JOIN contacts ft ON s.idcontact_festival=ft.idcontact
                    WHERE 1 AND s.idspectacle IN (1192,1266,1569,1587,1588,1589,1590,1591,1593,1594,1736,1926,2042,2475,2532,2628,2798,3058,3060,3538,3765,3831,3858,3885,3890,3891,3892,3963,4105,4159,4455,4528,4543,4656,4827,4928,4948,5089,5196,5418,5492,5862,7051,7342,7431,7514,7520,8120,8845,9532,10052,10473,10568,11349,12254,13638,14552,15040,17714,18726,18872,20782,21857,22742,23855,24099,27259,30999,31209,31616,32369,34749,35281,35455,36080) AND>='2024-04-28' ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 0,1
35 2.40 ms
SELECT schedules.`date`, YEAR(schedules.`date`) as annee
            FROM schedules, spectacles
            WHERE schedules.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle`
            AND spectacles.`publish`=1
            AND schedules.`idspectacle` IN (1192,1266,1569,1587,1588,1589,1590,1591,1593,1594,1736,1926,2042,2475,2532,2628,2798,3058,3060,3538,3765,3831,3858,3885,3890,3891,3892,3963,4105,4159,4455,4528,4543,4656,4827,4928,4948,5089,5196,5418,5492,5862,7051,7342,7431,7514,7520,8120,8845,9532,10052,10473,10568,11349,12254,13638,14552,15040,17714,18726,18872,20782,21857,22742,23855,24099,27259,30999,31209,31616,32369,34749,35281,35455,36080)
            GROUP BY spectacles.`idspectacle`
            ORDER BY schedules.`date`
36 0.74 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(T1.idnew)) as total  FROM news T1 INNER JOIN newschedules T3
                            ON T3.idnew=T1.idnew
                            INNER JOIN extranetusers T2 ON T2.idextranetuser=T1.idextranetuser
                            LEFT JOIN contacts T4 ON T4.idcontact=T3.idcontact  LEFT JOIN new_person T5 ON T5.idnew=T1.idnew  WHERE 1  AND (T5.idperson=75 ) AND T1.publish=1
37 0.52 ms
SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT(m.idmultimedia)) 
                FROM object_multimedia om, multimedias m
                WHERE om.idmultimedia=m.idmultimedia
                AND om.idobject=75
                AND om.object='persons'
                AND m.publish=1
38 0.27 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(d.`idpodcast`)) as total
                FROM podcasts d, podcast_person do
                WHERE d.`publish`=1
                AND do.`idpodcast`= d.`idpodcast` AND do.`idperson`=75 AND d.code_franceinter IS NOT NULL
39 0.19 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(d.`idpodcast`)) as total
                FROM podcasts d, podcast_person do
                WHERE d.`publish`=1
                AND do.`idpodcast`= d.`idpodcast` AND do.`idperson`=75 AND d.code_soundcloud IS NOT NULL
40 0.98 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(T1.`idtext`)) as total  FROM texts T1
                                LEFT JOIN contacts T2 ON T2.`idcontact`=T1.`idcontact_publisher`  ,object_content oc2, contents c2, content_classification cc2  WHERE 1  AND oc2.idcontent=c2.idcontent
                            AND cc2.idcontent=c2.idcontent
                            AND oc2.idobject=T1.idtext
                            AND cc2.idclassification IN (125)
                            AND oc2.object='texts'  AND T1.`idtext` IN (287,294,296,298,300,303,305,1567,1647,2007,2032,2197,3064,3208,3412,5316,5352,5465,5467,6721,6722,6790,6792,6887,7022,7280,8825,10628,34609,35088,36498,36499,38543,40878,13981,6889,30086,8221,6889,23589,6889,6889,10630,292,12136,295,2028,297,299,301,22278,304,1648,2008,2033,2202,3066,3209,3413,5317,5353,5466,5468,6723,6724,6791,7304,6793,6888,7023,7281,8826,10629,34610,36500,36501,38544)  ORDER BY publication_year DESC
41 4.52 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (s0_.idspectacle)) AS sclr_0, MIN( AS sclr_1, o2_.idobject AS idobject_2, o2_.object AS object_3, o2_.`range` AS range_4, o2_.idcontent AS idcontent_5 FROM spectacles s0_ LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t4_ ON s0_.idspectacle = t4_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t3_ ON t3_.idtext = t4_.idtext LEFT JOIN typesspectacles t5_ ON s0_.idtypespectacle = t5_.idtypespectacle LEFT JOIN schedules s1_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s1_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN spectacle_person s7_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s7_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN persons p6_ ON p6_.idperson = s7_.idperson INNER JOIN contacts c8_ ON s1_.idcontact = c8_.idcontact LEFT JOIN object_content o2_ ON (o2_.object = 'spectacles') LEFT JOIN contents c9_ ON (c9_.idcontent = o2_.idcontent) LEFT JOIN content_classification c11_ ON c9_.idcontent = c11_.idcontent LEFT JOIN classifications c10_ ON c10_.idclassification = c11_.idclassification WHERE s1_.idspectacle = s0_.idspectacle AND (s1_.idcontact = c8_.idcontact OR s1_.idcontact_festival = c8_.idcontact) AND (c9_.valid = 1 AND c9_.publish = 1) AND c10_.idclassification IN (125) AND s0_.idspectacle = o2_.idobject AND c9_.idcontent = o2_.idcontent AND s0_.idspectacle IN (1192, 1266, 1569, 1587, 1588, 1589, 1590, 1591, 1593, 1594, 1736, 1926, 2042, 2475, 2532, 2628, 2798, 3058, 3060, 3538, 3765, 3831, 3858, 3885, 3890, 3891, 3892, 3963, 4105, 4159, 4455, 4528, 4543, 4656, 4827, 4928, 4948, 5089, 5196, 5418, 5492, 5862, 7051, 7342, 7431, 7514, 7520, 8120, 8845, 9532, 10052, 10473, 10568, 11349, 12254, 13638, 14552, 15040, 17714, 18726, 18872, 20782, 21857, 22742, 23855, 24099, 27259, 30999, 31209, 31616, 32369, 34749, 35281, 35455, 36080) ORDER BY sclr_1 DESC
42 3.11 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (s0_.idspectacle)) AS sclr_0, MIN( AS sclr_1, o2_.idobject AS idobject_2, o2_.object AS object_3, o2_.`range` AS range_4, o2_.idcontent AS idcontent_5 FROM spectacles s0_ LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t4_ ON s0_.idspectacle = t4_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t3_ ON t3_.idtext = t4_.idtext LEFT JOIN typesspectacles t5_ ON s0_.idtypespectacle = t5_.idtypespectacle LEFT JOIN schedules s1_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s1_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN spectacle_person s7_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s7_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN persons p6_ ON p6_.idperson = s7_.idperson INNER JOIN contacts c8_ ON s1_.idcontact = c8_.idcontact LEFT JOIN object_content o2_ ON (o2_.object = 'spectacles') LEFT JOIN contents c9_ ON (c9_.idcontent = o2_.idcontent) LEFT JOIN content_classification c11_ ON c9_.idcontent = c11_.idcontent LEFT JOIN classifications c10_ ON c10_.idclassification = c11_.idclassification WHERE s1_.idspectacle = s0_.idspectacle AND (s1_.idcontact = c8_.idcontact OR s1_.idcontact_festival = c8_.idcontact) AND (c9_.valid = 1 AND c9_.publish = 1) AND c10_.idclassification IN (82) AND s0_.idspectacle = o2_.idobject AND c9_.idcontent = o2_.idcontent AND s0_.idspectacle IN (1192, 1266, 1569, 1587, 1588, 1589, 1590, 1591, 1593, 1594, 1736, 1926, 2042, 2475, 2532, 2628, 2798, 3058, 3060, 3538, 3765, 3831, 3858, 3885, 3890, 3891, 3892, 3963, 4105, 4159, 4455, 4528, 4543, 4656, 4827, 4928, 4948, 5089, 5196, 5418, 5492, 5862, 7051, 7342, 7431, 7514, 7520, 8120, 8845, 9532, 10052, 10473, 10568, 11349, 12254, 13638, 14552, 15040, 17714, 18726, 18872, 20782, 21857, 22742, 23855, 24099, 27259, 30999, 31209, 31616, 32369, 34749, 35281, 35455, 36080) ORDER BY sclr_1 DESC
43 2.09 ms
SELECT  DISTINCT(multimedias.idmultimedia), multimedias.*,spectacles.`idspectacle`,schedules.`idcontact` 
FROM  `object_multimedia` ,
 `schedules` ,
 `spectacles` ,
 `contacts` ,
 `multimedias` ,
 WHERE 1  AND multimedias.`publish`=1  AND object_multimedia.`object`='spectacles'  AND object_multimedia.`idrole` IS NULL  AND schedules.`date` BETWEEN '1999-01-01' AND '2030-01-01'   AND object_multimedia.`object`='spectacles'  AND object_multimedia.`idobject` IN (1192,1266,1569,1587,1588,1589,1590,1591,1593,1594,1736,1926,2042,2475,2532,2628,2798,3058,3060,3538,3765,3831,3858,3885,3890,3891,3892,3963,4105,4159,4455,4528,4543,4656,4827,4928,4948,5089,5196,5418,5492,5862,7051,7342,7431,7514,7520,8120,8845,9532,10052,10473,10568,11349,12254,13638,14552,15040,17714,18726,18872,20782,21857,22742,23855,24099,27259,30999,31209,31616,32369,34749,35281,35455,36080)  AND multimedia_classification.`idclassification`=145 AND multimedias.`idmultimedia`=object_multimedia.`idmultimedia` AND schedules.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle` AND spectacles.`idspectacle`=object_multimedia.`idobject` AND contacts.`idcontact`=schedules.`idcontact` AND multimedias.`idmultimedia`=object_multimedia.`idmultimedia` AND multimedias.`idmultimedia`=multimedia_classification.`idmultimedia` 
 GROUP BY object_multimedia.`idobject` 
ORDER BY schedules.`date` 
LIMIT 0,100
44 0.73 ms
SELECT t0.idstat AS idstat_1, t0.type AS type_2, t0.module AS module_3, t0.url AS url_4, t0.idcontent AS idcontent_5, t0.object AS object_6, t0.idobject AS idobject_7, AS video_8, t0.remote_addr AS remote_addr_9, t0.lng AS lng_10, t0.source AS source_11, t0.md5url AS md5url_12, t0.dateinsert AS dateinsert_13 FROM stats t0 WHERE t0.remote_addr = ? AND t0.idcontent = ? AND t0.md5url = ?
45 1.25 ms
INSERT INTO stats (type, module, url, md5url, idcontent, object, idobject, video, lng, remote_addr, source) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
46 0.06 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.classification IN ('class_photo_person'))) AND persons=1
47 0.08 ms
                FROM object_file of,
                     files f,
                     file_classification fc,
                     classifications cl,typesfiles tf
                   WHERE of.idfile=f.idfile
                   AND f.idfile=fc.idfile
                   AND of.idobject='75'
                   AND of.object='persons'
                   AND cl.idclassification=fc.idclassification AND f.publish=1 AND ((cl.classification IN ('class_photo_person'))) AND f.idtype=tf.idtype ORDER BY f.`range`,f.idfile
48 1.04 ms
SELECT * FROM bannieres
                WHERE publish=1
                AND valid=1
                AND is_bottom=1
                AND date_start<=NOW()
                AND date_end>=NOW()
                ORDER BY bannieres.order ASC
                LIMIT 0,10

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Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

0 Hits
0 Misses
0 Puts