Query Metrics

7 Database Queries
7 Different statements
4.42 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities
0 Cache hits
0 Cache misses
0 Cache puts


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 1.00 ms
SELECT idcategorie FROM ann_categories WHERE url_clean='Offres-emploi-amateur'
2 0.89 ms
SELECT a.*,e.login,e.email as email_extra
                FROM ann_annonces a
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN extranetusers e
                    ON a.idextranetuser=e.idextranetuser
                WHERE a.idannonce=95106
3 0.47 ms
SELECT a0_.idcategorie AS idcategorie_0, a0_.name AS name_1, a0_.description AS description_2, a0_.online AS online_3, a0_.class AS class_4, a0_.url_clean AS url_clean_5 FROM ann_categories a0_ WHERE a0_.idcategorie = ?
4 0.08 ms
SELECT fr FROM countries WHERE id='FR'
5 0.07 ms
SELECT url_clean, name FROM ann_categories WHERE online=1
6 0.27 ms
SELECT *,`bigregions`.idbigregion as idbigregion
                    FROM `bigregions`
                        JOIN `regions` ON `regions`.`idbigregion`=`bigregions`.`idbigregion`
                        JOIN `departements` ON `regions`.`idregion`=`departements`.`idregion`
                    ORDER BY `bigregions`.`bigregion` ASC, `departements`.`departement` ASC
7 1.63 ms
SELECT * FROM bannieres
                WHERE publish=1
                AND valid=1
                AND is_bottom=1
                AND date_start<=NOW()
                AND date_end>=NOW()
                ORDER BY bannieres.order ASC
                LIMIT 0,10

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

0 Hits
0 Misses
0 Puts