Query Metrics

258 Database Queries
217 Different statements
260.08 ms Query time
1 Invalid entities
0 Cache hits
0 Cache misses
0 Cache puts


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 0.40 ms
SELECT idcontact FROM contacts WHERE url_clean='Les-Lundi-en-coulisses-en-Belgique'
2 0.60 ms
SELECT c0_.idcontact AS idcontact_0, c0_.type AS type_1, c0_.organisation AS organisation_2, c0_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_3, c0_.lastname AS lastname_4, c0_.firstname AS firstname_5, c0_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_6, c0_.license AS license_7, c0_.comment AS comment_8, c0_.private_comment AS private_comment_9, c0_.address1 AS address1_10, c0_.address2 AS address2_11, c0_.zip AS zip_12, c0_.city AS city_13, c0_.phone1 AS phone1_14, c0_.phone2 AS phone2_15, c0_.fax AS fax_16, c0_.email1 AS email1_17, c0_.email1_online AS email1_online_18, c0_.email2_online AS email2_online_19, c0_.email2 AS email2_20, c0_.url AS url_21, c0_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_22, c0_.facebook AS facebook_23, c0_.twitter AS twitter_24, c0_.instagram AS instagram_25, c0_.mobile AS mobile_26, c0_.geocodable AS geocodable_27, c0_.x AS x_28, c0_.y AS y_29, c0_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_30, c0_.type_view AS type_view_31, c0_.stats_access AS stats_access_32, c0_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_33, c0_.is_festival AS is_festival_34, c0_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_35, c0_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_36, c0_.valid_version AS valid_version_37, c0_.other_versions AS other_versions_38, c0_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_39, c0_.url_clean AS url_clean_40, c0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_41, c0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_42, c0_.publish AS publish_43, c0_.valid AS valid_44, c1_.id AS id_45, c1_.fr AS fr_46, c1_.en AS en_47, c1_.es AS es_48, c1_.pt AS pt_49, c1_.de AS de_50, c1_.ru AS ru_51, c1_.orderby AS orderby_52 FROM contacts c0_ LEFT JOIN countries c1_ ON c0_.country = c1_.id WHERE c0_.idcontact = ?
3 0.06 ms
SELECT fr FROM countries WHERE id='BE'
4 0.34 ms
SELECT t0_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_0, t0_.typestructure_pluriel AS typestructure_pluriel_1, t0_.typestructure AS typestructure_2, t0_.public_view AS public_view_3, t0_.order_view AS order_view_4 FROM typesstructures t0_ WHERE t0_.idtypestructure = ?
5 0.33 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j2.idoffice,j2.date_start,j2.date_end ,j3.idcontact FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.contact_person j2, theatreok_dev.contacts j3
                        WHERE j3.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idcontact=26998  AND j2.idoffice=1
6 0.22 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.idclassification IN (100))) AND contacts=1
7 2.66 ms
                FROM object_file of,
                     files f,
                     file_classification fc,
                     classifications cl,typesfiles tf
                   WHERE of.idfile=f.idfile
                   AND f.idfile=fc.idfile
                   AND of.idobject='26998'
                   AND of.object='contacts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=fc.idclassification AND f.publish=1 AND ((cl.idclassification IN (100))) AND f.idtype=tf.idtype ORDER BY f.`range`,f.idfile
8 0.83 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(spectacles.`idspectacle`)  FROM schedules, spectacles  WHERE schedules.idspectacle=spectacles.idspectacle
                AND spectacles.publish=1
                AND (schedules.idcontact=26998 OR schedules.idcontact_festival=26998)
9 118.83 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(spectacles.`idspectacle`)  FROM spectacles INNER JOIN spectacle_contact ON spectacle_contact.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle`  WHERE  spectacles.`publish`=1 AND (spectacle_contact.`idcontact`=26998 OR spectacles.`idcontact_production`=26998) AND spectacle_contact.`idrole` IN (17,18,19)
10 2.43 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(spectacles.`idspectacle`)  FROM spectacles INNER JOIN spectacle_contact ON spectacle_contact.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle`  WHERE  spectacles.`publish`=1 AND (spectacle_contact.`idcontact`=26998 OR spectacles.`idcontact_production`=26998) AND spectacle_contact.`idrole` = 77
11 0.26 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(spectacles.`idspectacle`)  FROM spectacles INNER JOIN spectacle_aide ON spectacle_aide.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle`
                                  INNER JOIN aides ON aides.`idaide`=spectacle_aide.`idaide`  WHERE  spectacles.`publish`=1 AND aides.`idcontact`=26998
12 0.20 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(spectacles.`idspectacle`)  FROM spectacles INNER JOIN spectacle_aide ON spectacle_aide.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle`
                                  INNER JOIN aides ON aides.`idaide`=spectacle_aide.`idaide`  WHERE  spectacles.`publish`=1 AND aides.`idcontact`=26998 AND aides.type_aide IN (2,3)
13 1.16 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(spectacles.`idspectacle`)  FROM spectacles INNER JOIN spectacle_aide ON spectacle_aide.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle`
                                  INNER JOIN aides ON aides.`idaide`=spectacle_aide.`idaide`  WHERE  spectacles.`publish`=1 AND aides.`idcontact`=26998 AND aides.type_aide IN (1)
14 0.19 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(spectacles.`idspectacle`)  FROM spectacles INNER JOIN spectacle_aide ON spectacle_aide.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle`
                                  INNER JOIN aides ON aides.`idaide`=spectacle_aide.`idaide`  WHERE  spectacles.`publish`=1 AND aides.`idcontact`=26998 AND aides.type_aide IN (4)
15 0.69 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(multimedias.idmultimedia))
            FROM multimedias
            AND (multimedias.`idmultimedia` IN (    
                        SELECT multimedias.idmultimedia
                        FROM object_multimedia JOIN multimedias ON object_multimedia.`idmultimedia`=multimedias.`idmultimedia`
                        AND object_multimedia.object IN ('contacts')
                        AND object_multimedia.idobject=26998
16 0.65 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(ct.`idcontent`))
            FROM schedules sc
            JOIN spectacles s ON s.`idspectacle`=sc.`idspectacle`
            JOIN object_content oc ON s.`idspectacle`=oc.`idobject`
            JOIN contents ct ON oc.`idcontent`=ct.`idcontent`
            JOIN content_classification cc ON ct.`idcontent`=cc.`idcontent`
            WHERE s.`publish`=1 AND s.`valid`=1
            AND ct.`publish`=1 AND ct.`valid`=1
            AND cc.`idclassification`=101  AND (
                sc.`idcontact`=26998 OR sc.`idcontact_festival`=26998
17 1.74 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(T1.idnew), T1.*,T2.idextranetuser,T2.lastname,T2.firstname,T2.signature,T2.city as city_extranetuser,T2.enseignant_etablissement,T2.enseignant_active,T3.idnewschedule,T3.date,T3.hour,T3.idcontact,T3.note  FROM news T1 INNER JOIN newschedules T3
                            ON T3.idnew=T1.idnew
                            INNER JOIN extranetusers T2 ON T2.idextranetuser=T1.idextranetuser
                            LEFT JOIN contacts T4 ON T4.idcontact=T3.idcontact  LEFT JOIN new_contact T5 ON T5.idnew=T1.idnew  WHERE 1  AND (T5.idcontact=26998 ) AND T1.publish=1 AND T1.publish=1 AND T1.valid=1  AND T1.type_news=0 AND (( T3.date>='2024-03-29' ))  GROUP BY T1.idnew  ORDER BY T3.date ASC LIMIT 0,200
18 1.72 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(T1.idnew), T1.*,T2.idextranetuser,T2.lastname,T2.firstname,T2.signature,T2.city as city_extranetuser,T2.enseignant_etablissement,T2.enseignant_active,T3.idnewschedule,T3.date,T3.hour,T3.idcontact,T3.note  FROM news T1 INNER JOIN newschedules T3
                            ON T3.idnew=T1.idnew
                            INNER JOIN extranetusers T2 ON T2.idextranetuser=T1.idextranetuser
                            LEFT JOIN contacts T4 ON T4.idcontact=T3.idcontact  LEFT JOIN new_contact T5 ON T5.idnew=T1.idnew  WHERE 1  AND (T5.idcontact=26998 ) AND T1.publish=1 AND T1.publish=1 AND T1.valid=1  AND T1.type_news=0 AND (( T3.date<'2024-03-29' ))  GROUP BY T1.idnew  ORDER BY T3.date DESC LIMIT 0,200
19 0.28 ms
SELECT t0.idnew AS idnew_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.type_news AS type_news_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.markdown AS markdown_5, t0.date_start AS date_start_6, t0.date_end AS date_end_7, t0.hour AS hour_8, t0.location AS location_9, t0.city AS city_10, t0.zip AS zip_11, t0.contacts AS contacts_12, t0.url AS url_13, t0.url_more AS url_more_14, t0.infos_contacts AS infos_contacts_15, t0.url_file AS url_file_16, t0.copyright_file AS copyright_file_17, t0.is_homepage AS is_homepage_18, t0.publish AS publish_19, t0.valid AS valid_20, t0.statut AS statut_21, t0.dateinsert AS dateinsert_22, t0.dateupdate AS dateupdate_23, t0.idextranetuser_lock AS idextranetuser_lock_24, t0.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_25, t0.idregion AS idregion_26, t0.country AS country_27 FROM news t0 WHERE t0.idnew = ?
20 0.19 ms
SELECT url_file FROM news WHERE idnew=13456
21 0.26 ms
SELECT sc.date, c.city, c.country, c.zip, c.organisation, c.url_clean, c.idcontact FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=13456 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  ORDER BY sc.date DESC LIMIT 0,1
22 0.24 ms
SELECT MIN(sc.date) as datestart, MAX(sc.date) as dateend, c.city, c.country FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=13456 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  AND sc.idcontact=33801 GROUP BY sc.idcontact
23 0.24 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.new_person j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idnew=13456
24 0.39 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.organisation,j1.type,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.new_contact j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.idnew=13456
25 0.22 ms
SELECT j1.idspectacle,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.spectacles j1, theatreok_dev.new_spectacle j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idspectacle=j2.idspectacle
                        AND j3.idnew=13456
26 0.54 ms
SELECT j1.idtext,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.texts j1, theatreok_dev.new_text j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j3.idnew=13456
27 0.38 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
28 0.26 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
                  AND tt.idtexttraduction=1815
                  ORDER BY t.title
29 0.28 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=1814  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
30 0.26 ms
SELECT t0.idnew AS idnew_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.type_news AS type_news_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.markdown AS markdown_5, t0.date_start AS date_start_6, t0.date_end AS date_end_7, t0.hour AS hour_8, t0.location AS location_9, t0.city AS city_10, t0.zip AS zip_11, t0.contacts AS contacts_12, t0.url AS url_13, t0.url_more AS url_more_14, t0.infos_contacts AS infos_contacts_15, t0.url_file AS url_file_16, t0.copyright_file AS copyright_file_17, t0.is_homepage AS is_homepage_18, t0.publish AS publish_19, t0.valid AS valid_20, t0.statut AS statut_21, t0.dateinsert AS dateinsert_22, t0.dateupdate AS dateupdate_23, t0.idextranetuser_lock AS idextranetuser_lock_24, t0.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_25, t0.idregion AS idregion_26, t0.country AS country_27 FROM news t0 WHERE t0.idnew = ?
31 0.11 ms
SELECT url_file FROM news WHERE idnew=13343
32 0.25 ms
SELECT sc.date, c.city, c.country, c.zip, c.organisation, c.url_clean, c.idcontact FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=13343 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  ORDER BY sc.date DESC LIMIT 0,1
33 0.24 ms
SELECT MIN(sc.date) as datestart, MAX(sc.date) as dateend, c.city, c.country FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=13343 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  AND sc.idcontact=1094 GROUP BY sc.idcontact
34 0.31 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.new_person j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idnew=13343
35 0.29 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.organisation,j1.type,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.new_contact j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.idnew=13343
36 0.20 ms
SELECT j1.idspectacle,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.spectacles j1, theatreok_dev.new_spectacle j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idspectacle=j2.idspectacle
                        AND j3.idnew=13343
37 0.19 ms
SELECT j1.idtext,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.texts j1, theatreok_dev.new_text j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j3.idnew=13343
38 0.25 ms
SELECT t0.idnew AS idnew_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.type_news AS type_news_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.markdown AS markdown_5, t0.date_start AS date_start_6, t0.date_end AS date_end_7, t0.hour AS hour_8, t0.location AS location_9, t0.city AS city_10, t0.zip AS zip_11, t0.contacts AS contacts_12, t0.url AS url_13, t0.url_more AS url_more_14, t0.infos_contacts AS infos_contacts_15, t0.url_file AS url_file_16, t0.copyright_file AS copyright_file_17, t0.is_homepage AS is_homepage_18, t0.publish AS publish_19, t0.valid AS valid_20, t0.statut AS statut_21, t0.dateinsert AS dateinsert_22, t0.dateupdate AS dateupdate_23, t0.idextranetuser_lock AS idextranetuser_lock_24, t0.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_25, t0.idregion AS idregion_26, t0.country AS country_27 FROM news t0 WHERE t0.idnew = ?
39 0.39 ms
SELECT url_file FROM news WHERE idnew=13152
40 0.25 ms
SELECT sc.date, c.city, c.country, c.zip, c.organisation, c.url_clean, c.idcontact FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=13152 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  ORDER BY sc.date DESC LIMIT 0,1
41 0.27 ms
SELECT MIN(sc.date) as datestart, MAX(sc.date) as dateend, c.city, c.country FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=13152 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  AND sc.idcontact=2511 GROUP BY sc.idcontact
42 0.24 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.new_person j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idnew=13152
43 0.23 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.organisation,j1.type,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.new_contact j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.idnew=13152
44 0.17 ms
SELECT j1.idspectacle,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.spectacles j1, theatreok_dev.new_spectacle j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idspectacle=j2.idspectacle
                        AND j3.idnew=13152
45 0.26 ms
SELECT j1.idtext,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.texts j1, theatreok_dev.new_text j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j3.idnew=13152
46 0.21 ms
SELECT t0.idnew AS idnew_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.type_news AS type_news_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.markdown AS markdown_5, t0.date_start AS date_start_6, t0.date_end AS date_end_7, t0.hour AS hour_8, t0.location AS location_9, t0.city AS city_10, t0.zip AS zip_11, t0.contacts AS contacts_12, t0.url AS url_13, t0.url_more AS url_more_14, t0.infos_contacts AS infos_contacts_15, t0.url_file AS url_file_16, t0.copyright_file AS copyright_file_17, t0.is_homepage AS is_homepage_18, t0.publish AS publish_19, t0.valid AS valid_20, t0.statut AS statut_21, t0.dateinsert AS dateinsert_22, t0.dateupdate AS dateupdate_23, t0.idextranetuser_lock AS idextranetuser_lock_24, t0.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_25, t0.idregion AS idregion_26, t0.country AS country_27 FROM news t0 WHERE t0.idnew = ?
47 0.12 ms
SELECT url_file FROM news WHERE idnew=13072
48 0.20 ms
SELECT sc.date, c.city, c.country, c.zip, c.organisation, c.url_clean, c.idcontact FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=13072 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  ORDER BY sc.date DESC LIMIT 0,1
49 0.18 ms
SELECT MIN(sc.date) as datestart, MAX(sc.date) as dateend, c.city, c.country FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=13072 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  AND sc.idcontact=1296 GROUP BY sc.idcontact
50 0.19 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.new_person j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idnew=13072
51 0.24 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.organisation,j1.type,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.new_contact j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.idnew=13072
52 0.16 ms
SELECT j1.idspectacle,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.spectacles j1, theatreok_dev.new_spectacle j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idspectacle=j2.idspectacle
                        AND j3.idnew=13072
53 0.16 ms
SELECT j1.idtext,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.texts j1, theatreok_dev.new_text j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j3.idnew=13072
54 0.20 ms
SELECT t0.idnew AS idnew_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.type_news AS type_news_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.markdown AS markdown_5, t0.date_start AS date_start_6, t0.date_end AS date_end_7, t0.hour AS hour_8, t0.location AS location_9, t0.city AS city_10, t0.zip AS zip_11, t0.contacts AS contacts_12, t0.url AS url_13, t0.url_more AS url_more_14, t0.infos_contacts AS infos_contacts_15, t0.url_file AS url_file_16, t0.copyright_file AS copyright_file_17, t0.is_homepage AS is_homepage_18, t0.publish AS publish_19, t0.valid AS valid_20, t0.statut AS statut_21, t0.dateinsert AS dateinsert_22, t0.dateupdate AS dateupdate_23, t0.idextranetuser_lock AS idextranetuser_lock_24, t0.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_25, t0.idregion AS idregion_26, t0.country AS country_27 FROM news t0 WHERE t0.idnew = ?
55 0.09 ms
SELECT url_file FROM news WHERE idnew=13071
56 0.20 ms
SELECT sc.date, c.city, c.country, c.zip, c.organisation, c.url_clean, c.idcontact FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=13071 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  ORDER BY sc.date DESC LIMIT 0,1
57 0.20 ms
SELECT MIN(sc.date) as datestart, MAX(sc.date) as dateend, c.city, c.country FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=13071 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  AND sc.idcontact=34255 GROUP BY sc.idcontact
58 0.19 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.new_person j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idnew=13071
59 0.18 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.organisation,j1.type,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.new_contact j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.idnew=13071
60 0.17 ms
SELECT j1.idspectacle,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.spectacles j1, theatreok_dev.new_spectacle j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idspectacle=j2.idspectacle
                        AND j3.idnew=13071
61 0.15 ms
SELECT j1.idtext,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.texts j1, theatreok_dev.new_text j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
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63 0.23 ms
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64 0.76 ms
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65 0.25 ms
SELECT MIN(sc.date) as datestart, MAX(sc.date) as dateend, c.city, c.country FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
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66 0.18 ms
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68 0.18 ms
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71 0.09 ms
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72 0.19 ms
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73 0.18 ms
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74 0.19 ms
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76 0.15 ms
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79 0.09 ms
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80 0.18 ms
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81 0.17 ms
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82 0.22 ms
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83 0.23 ms
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84 0.15 ms
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86 0.11 ms
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88 0.10 ms
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89 0.18 ms
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90 0.09 ms
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91 0.18 ms
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93 0.46 ms
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94 0.21 ms
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102 0.12 ms
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103 0.20 ms
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108 0.27 ms
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111 0.23 ms
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122 0.11 ms
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123 0.21 ms
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124 0.16 ms
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125 0.46 ms
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130 0.32 ms
SELECT MIN(sc.date) as datestart, MAX(sc.date) as dateend, c.city, c.country FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
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131 0.29 ms
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132 0.25 ms
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133 0.17 ms
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135 0.12 ms
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136 0.22 ms
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138 0.29 ms
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139 0.33 ms
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140 0.20 ms
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141 0.21 ms
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142 0.22 ms
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143 0.17 ms
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144 0.21 ms
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145 0.13 ms
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146 0.42 ms
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147 0.11 ms
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148 0.20 ms
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150 0.24 ms
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151 0.36 ms
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152 0.22 ms
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153 0.28 ms
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157 0.14 ms
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158 0.28 ms
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159 0.12 ms
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162 0.18 ms
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163 0.41 ms
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164 0.30 ms
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165 0.32 ms
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167 0.22 ms
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168 0.21 ms
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170 0.59 ms
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171 0.44 ms
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173 0.38 ms
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174 0.34 ms
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177 0.74 ms
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178 0.36 ms
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182 0.30 ms
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183 0.32 ms
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184 0.33 ms
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187 1.03 ms
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188 0.47 ms
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189 0.15 ms
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190 0.25 ms
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191 0.13 ms
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192 0.39 ms
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195 0.39 ms
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197 0.36 ms
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199 0.28 ms
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200 0.26 ms
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                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j3.idnew=10071
201 0.16 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
202 0.29 ms
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                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
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                        AND j3.idtext=30427  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
203 0.14 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
204 0.25 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
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                        AND j3.idtext=30428  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
205 0.13 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
206 0.30 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
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207 1.24 ms
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                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
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208 0.45 ms
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209 0.27 ms
SELECT url_file FROM news WHERE idnew=10059
210 0.36 ms
SELECT sc.date, c.city, c.country, c.zip, c.organisation, c.url_clean, c.idcontact FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=10059 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  ORDER BY sc.date DESC LIMIT 0,1
211 0.82 ms
SELECT MIN(sc.date) as datestart, MAX(sc.date) as dateend, c.city, c.country FROM newschedules sc, contacts c
                         WHERE sc.idcontact=c.idcontact
                         AND sc.idnew=10059 AND sc.date<'2024-03-29'  AND sc.idcontact=11853 GROUP BY sc.idcontact
212 0.32 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.new_person j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idnew=10059
213 0.27 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.organisation,j1.type,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.new_contact j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
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                        AND j3.idnew=10059
214 0.23 ms
SELECT j1.idspectacle,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.spectacles j1, theatreok_dev.new_spectacle j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idspectacle=j2.idspectacle
                        AND j3.idnew=10059
215 0.26 ms
SELECT j1.idtext,j1.title,j1.valid,j1.publish,j1.url_clean ,j3.idnew FROM theatreok_dev.texts j1, theatreok_dev.new_text j2, theatreok_dev.news j3
                        WHERE j3.idnew=j2.idnew
                        AND j1.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j3.idnew=10059
216 0.14 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
217 0.27 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=9833  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
218 0.13 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
219 0.24 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=22342  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
220 1.80 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(T1.idnew), T1.*,T2.idextranetuser,T2.lastname,T2.firstname,T2.signature,T2.city as city_extranetuser,T2.enseignant_etablissement,T2.enseignant_active,T3.idnewschedule,T3.date,T3.hour,T3.idcontact,T3.note  FROM news T1 INNER JOIN newschedules T3
                            ON T3.idnew=T1.idnew
                            INNER JOIN extranetusers T2 ON T2.idextranetuser=T1.idextranetuser
                            LEFT JOIN contacts T4 ON T4.idcontact=T3.idcontact  LEFT JOIN new_contact T5 ON T5.idnew=T1.idnew  WHERE 1  AND (T5.idcontact=26998 ) AND T1.idnew NOT IN (13456,13343,13152,13072,13071,12942,12622,12591,12478,12177,11994,11594,11527,11372,10579,10497,10328,10071,10059)  AND T1.publish=1 AND T1.publish=1 AND T1.valid=1  AND T1.type_news=1 AND (( T3.date>='2024-03-29' ))  GROUP BY T1.idnew  ORDER BY T3.date ASC LIMIT 0,200
221 2.13 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(T1.idnew), T1.*,T2.idextranetuser,T2.lastname,T2.firstname,T2.signature,T2.city as city_extranetuser,T2.enseignant_etablissement,T2.enseignant_active,T3.idnewschedule,T3.date,T3.hour,T3.idcontact,T3.note  FROM news T1 INNER JOIN newschedules T3
                            ON T3.idnew=T1.idnew
                            INNER JOIN extranetusers T2 ON T2.idextranetuser=T1.idextranetuser
                            LEFT JOIN contacts T4 ON T4.idcontact=T3.idcontact  LEFT JOIN new_contact T5 ON T5.idnew=T1.idnew  WHERE 1  AND (T5.idcontact=26998 ) AND T1.idnew NOT IN (13456,13343,13152,13072,13071,12942,12622,12591,12478,12177,11994,11594,11527,11372,10579,10497,10328,10071,10059)  AND T1.publish=1 AND T1.publish=1 AND T1.valid=1  AND T1.type_news=1 AND (( T3.date<'2024-03-29' ))  GROUP BY T1.idnew  ORDER BY T3.date DESC LIMIT 0,200
222 0.07 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(multimedias.idmultimedia))
            FROM multimedias
            AND (multimedias.`idmultimedia` IN (    
                        SELECT multimedias.idmultimedia
                        FROM object_multimedia JOIN multimedias ON object_multimedia.`idmultimedia`=multimedias.`idmultimedia`
                        AND object_multimedia.object IN ('contacts')
                        AND object_multimedia.idobject=26998
223 0.04 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.classification IN ('class_presentation_structure'))) AND contacts=1
224 1.81 ms
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='26998'
                   AND oc.object='contacts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND c.publish=1 AND ((cl.classification IN ('class_presentation_structure'))) ORDER BY c.`range`,c.idcontent
225 0.44 ms
SELECT j1.idclassification,j1.classification,j1.type,j1.idgroupclassification ,j3.idcontent FROM theatreok_dev.classifications j1, theatreok_dev.content_classification j2, theatreok_dev.contents j3
                        WHERE j3.idcontent=j2.idcontent
                        AND j1.idclassification=j2.idclassification
                        AND j3.idcontent=89370
226 0.61 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.classification IN ('class_article'))) AND contacts=1
227 1.24 ms
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='26998'
                   AND oc.object='contacts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND c.publish=1 AND ((cl.classification IN ('class_article'))) ORDER BY c.`range`,c.idcontent
228 0.35 ms
SELECT COUNT(spectacle_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN spectacle_aide ON spectacle_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=2
229 0.19 ms
SELECT COUNT(text_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN text_aide ON text_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=2
230 0.17 ms
SELECT COUNT(person_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN person_aide ON person_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=2
231 0.17 ms
SELECT COUNT(contact_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN contact_aide ON contact_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=2
232 0.14 ms
SELECT COUNT(spectacle_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN spectacle_aide ON spectacle_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=3
233 0.14 ms
SELECT COUNT(text_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN text_aide ON text_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=3
234 0.13 ms
SELECT COUNT(person_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN person_aide ON person_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=3
235 0.13 ms
SELECT COUNT(contact_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN contact_aide ON contact_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=3
236 0.38 ms
SELECT COUNT(p.idplaylist)
              FROM playlists p
              LEFT JOIN playlist_classification pc ON p.idplaylist = pc.idplaylist
              LEFT JOIN aides a ON a.idcontact=26998
              LEFT JOIN text_aide ta ON a.`idaide`=ta.`idaide`
              WHERE 1 AND a.`publish`=1 AND a.`type_aide` IN (2,3) AND pc.idclassification = 144 AND p.idtext = ta.idtext
              GROUP BY p.idtext
237 0.17 ms
SELECT COUNT(spectacle_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN spectacle_aide ON spectacle_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=1
238 0.16 ms
SELECT COUNT(text_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN text_aide ON text_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=1
239 0.14 ms
SELECT COUNT(person_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN person_aide ON person_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=1
240 0.16 ms
SELECT COUNT(contact_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN contact_aide ON contact_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=1
241 0.16 ms
SELECT COUNT(spectacle_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN spectacle_aide ON spectacle_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=4
242 0.66 ms
SELECT COUNT(text_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN text_aide ON text_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=4
243 1.03 ms
SELECT COUNT(person_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN person_aide ON person_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=4
244 0.87 ms
SELECT COUNT(contact_aide.`idaide`)
                    FROM aides
                    JOIN contact_aide ON contact_aide.`idaide`=aides.`idaide`
                    WHERE aides.`idcontact`=26998
                    AND aides.`type_aide`=4
245 4.13 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (s0_.idspectacle)) AS sclr_0, MIN(s1_.date) AS sclr_1 FROM spectacles s0_ LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t3_ ON s0_.idspectacle = t3_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t2_ ON t2_.idtext = t3_.idtext LEFT JOIN typesspectacles t4_ ON s0_.idtypespectacle = t4_.idtypespectacle LEFT JOIN schedules s1_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s1_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN spectacle_person s6_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s6_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN persons p5_ ON p5_.idperson = s6_.idperson INNER JOIN contacts c7_ ON s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact LEFT JOIN text_aide t8_ ON t2_.idtext = t8_.idtext INNER JOIN aides a9_ ON t8_.idaide = a9_.idaide WHERE s0_.textfictif = 0 AND a9_.idcontact IN (26998) AND s1_.idspectacle = s0_.idspectacle AND (s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact OR s1_.idcontact_festival = c7_.idcontact) AND ((s1_.date BETWEEN '2024-03-29' AND '2026-03-19')) ORDER BY s1_.date ASC
246 30.00 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (s0_.idspectacle)) AS sclr_0, MIN(s1_.date) AS sclr_1 FROM spectacles s0_ LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t3_ ON s0_.idspectacle = t3_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t2_ ON t2_.idtext = t3_.idtext LEFT JOIN typesspectacles t4_ ON s0_.idtypespectacle = t4_.idtypespectacle LEFT JOIN schedules s1_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s1_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN spectacle_person s6_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s6_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN persons p5_ ON p5_.idperson = s6_.idperson INNER JOIN contacts c7_ ON s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact LEFT JOIN text_aide t8_ ON t2_.idtext = t8_.idtext INNER JOIN aides a9_ ON t8_.idaide = a9_.idaide WHERE s0_.textfictif = 0 AND a9_.idcontact IN (26998) AND s1_.idspectacle = s0_.idspectacle AND (s1_.idcontact = c7_.idcontact OR s1_.idcontact_festival = c7_.idcontact) ORDER BY s1_.date ASC
247 1.27 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(T1.idnew)) as total  FROM news T1 INNER JOIN newschedules T3
                            ON T3.idnew=T1.idnew
                            INNER JOIN extranetusers T2 ON T2.idextranetuser=T1.idextranetuser
                            LEFT JOIN contacts T4 ON T4.idcontact=T3.idcontact  LEFT JOIN new_contact T5 ON T5.idnew=T1.idnew  WHERE 1  AND (T5.idcontact=26998 ) AND T1.publish=1
248 0.60 ms
SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT(podcasts.idpodcast)) as total , podcasts.* 
FROM  `podcast_contact` ,
 WHERE 1  AND podcasts.`publish`=1  AND podcast_contact.`idcontact`=26998  AND podcasts.`code_ft` IS NOT NULL AND (`podcasts`.`type_diffusion` IS NULL OR `podcasts`.`type_diffusion` = 0)  AND podcasts.`is_integrale`=1 AND podcasts.`idpodcast`=podcast_contact.`idpodcast`
249 0.33 ms
SELECT count(p0_.idpodcast) AS sclr_0 FROM podcasts p0_ INNER JOIN podcast_contact p2_ ON p0_.idpodcast = p2_.idpodcast INNER JOIN contacts c1_ ON c1_.idcontact = p2_.idcontact WHERE c1_.idcontact = ?
250 0.79 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(spectacles.`idspectacle`)) as total  FROM schedules, spectacles  JOIN spectacle_contact ON spectacle_contact.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle`  JOIN object_content ON spectacle_contact.`idspectacle`=object_content.`idobject`
                           JOIN contents ON contents.`idcontent`=object_content.`idcontent`
                           JOIN content_classification ON contents.`idcontent`=content_classification.`idcontent`  WHERE schedules.idspectacle=spectacles.idspectacle
                AND spectacles.publish=1
                AND (schedules.idcontact=26998 OR schedules.idcontact_festival=26998)
                AND contents.`publish`=1
                AND contents.`valid`=1
                AND object_content.`object`='spectacles'
                AND content_classification.`idclassification` IN (125)
251 14.54 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(spectacles.`idspectacle`)) as total  FROM spectacles INNER JOIN spectacle_contact ON spectacle_contact.`idspectacle`=spectacles.`idspectacle`  JOIN object_content ON spectacle_contact.`idspectacle`=object_content.`idobject`
                           JOIN contents ON contents.`idcontent`=object_content.`idcontent`
                           JOIN content_classification ON contents.`idcontent`=content_classification.`idcontent`  WHERE  spectacles.`publish`=1 AND (spectacle_contact.`idcontact`=26998 OR spectacles.`idcontact_production`=26998) AND spectacle_contact.`idrole` IN (17,18,19)
                AND contents.`publish`=1
                AND contents.`valid`=1
                AND object_content.`object`='spectacles'
                AND content_classification.`idclassification` IN (125)
252 0.07 ms
SELECT idclassification,classification,public_name FROM classifications WHERE 1 AND type="files" AND contacts=1 AND lagarce!=1 AND is_public IN (1)
253 0.05 ms
SELECT idclassification,classification,public_name FROM classifications WHERE 1 AND type="files" AND spectacles=1 AND lagarce!=1 AND is_public IN (1)
254 1.11 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(of.idfile)) as total
                FROM object_file of,
                     files f,
                     file_classification fc,
                     classifications cl,typesfiles tf
                   WHERE of.idfile=f.idfile
                   AND f.idfile=fc.idfile
                   AND of.idobject='26998'
                   AND of.object='contacts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=fc.idclassification AND f.publish=1 AND ((cl.idclassification IN (112,168,33,126,163,164,166,171,172,175))) AND f.valid=1 AND f.publish=1 AND f.idtype=tf.idtype
255 1.47 ms
                FROM person_ecole WHERE 1  AND idcontact=26998
256 0.79 ms
SELECT t0.idstat AS idstat_1, t0.type AS type_2, t0.module AS module_3, t0.url AS url_4, t0.idcontent AS idcontent_5, t0.object AS object_6, t0.idobject AS idobject_7, t0.video AS video_8, t0.remote_addr AS remote_addr_9, t0.lng AS lng_10, t0.source AS source_11, t0.md5url AS md5url_12, t0.dateinsert AS dateinsert_13 FROM stats t0 WHERE t0.remote_addr = ? AND t0.idcontent = ? AND t0.md5url = ?
257 1.02 ms
INSERT INTO stats (type, module, url, md5url, idcontent, object, idobject, video, lng, remote_addr, source) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
258 1.36 ms
SELECT * FROM bannieres
                WHERE publish=1
                AND valid=1
                AND is_bottom=1
                AND date_start<=NOW()
                AND date_end>=NOW()
                ORDER BY bannieres.order ASC
                LIMIT 0,10

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

0 Hits
0 Misses
0 Puts

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
TheatreCore\Entity\Extranetusers No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Contacts No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Contents No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Multimedias No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Countries No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Typesstructures No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Persons No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Files No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Classifications No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\News No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Regions No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Spectacles No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Texts No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Newschedules No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Aides No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Typesspectacles No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Schedules No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\TextAide No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Podcasts No errors.
  • The referenced column name 'idcontact' has to be a primary key column on the target entity class 'TheatreCore\Entity\PersonEcole'.
  • The referenced column name 'idcontact' has to be a primary key column on the target entity class 'TheatreCore\Entity\PersonEcole'.
TheatreCore\Entity\BookmarkExtranetuser No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Stats No errors.
TheatreCore\Entity\Bannieres No errors.