Query Metrics

62 Database Queries
54 Different statements
108.16 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities
0 Cache hits
0 Cache misses
0 Cache puts


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 0.38 ms
SELECT idtext FROM texts WHERE url_clean='Qui-ne-dit-mot-Evan-Placey'
2 2.92 ms
SELECT t0_.idtext AS idtext_0, t0_.type AS type_1, t0_.idtypetext AS idtypetext_2, t0_.special_text AS special_text_3, t0_.title AS title_4, t0_.subtitle AS subtitle_5, t0_.date AS date_6, t0_.language AS language_7, t0_.markdown AS markdown_8, t0_.abstract AS abstract_9, t0_.abstract_author AS abstract_author_10, t0_.abstract_date AS abstract_date_11, t0_.abstract_url AS abstract_url_12, t0_.publisher_url_text AS publisher_url_text_13, t0_.publication_year AS publication_year_14, t0_.publication_month AS publication_month_15, t0_.isbn AS isbn_16, t0_.ean AS ean_17, t0_.publishinfos AS publishinfos_18, t0_.urltextaccess AS urltextaccess_19, t0_.emailtextaccess AS emailtextaccess_20, t0_.idfiletextaccess AS idfiletextaccess_21, t0_.filetextaccesssave AS filetextaccesssave_22, t0_.textaccessmore AS textaccessmore_23, t0_.request_translation_text AS request_translation_text_24, t0_.request_performing_text AS request_performing_text_25, t0_.help_translation AS help_translation_26, t0_.help_publishing AS help_publishing_27, t0_.help_other AS help_other_28, t0_.moreinfo AS moreinfo_29, t0_.nmale AS nmale_30, t0_.nfemale AS nfemale_31, t0_.npeople AS npeople_32, t0_.textorder AS textorder_33, t0_.nbpages AS nbpages_34, t0_.price AS price_35, t0_.selection_aneth AS selection_aneth_36, t0_.idtext_aneth AS idtext_aneth_37, t0_.aide_creation AS aide_creation_38, t0_.comments AS comments_39, t0_.url_clean AS url_clean_40, t0_.textfictif AS textfictif_41, t0_.valid_opendata AS valid_opendata_42, t0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_43, t0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_44, t0_.publish AS publish_45, t0_.statut AS statut_46, t0_.valid AS valid_47, e1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_48, e1_.lastname AS lastname_49, e1_.firstname AS firstname_50, e1_.avatar AS avatar_51, e1_.signature AS signature_52, e1_.email AS email_53, e1_.token AS token_54, e1_.public_api_token AS public_api_token_55, e1_.public_api_desc AS public_api_desc_56, e1_.address AS address_57, e1_.zip AS zip_58, e1_.city AS city_59, e1_.secteur AS secteur_60, e1_.structure AS structure_61, e1_.fonction AS fonction_62, e1_.phone AS phone_63, e1_.enseignant_fonction AS enseignant_fonction_64, e1_.enseignant_matiere AS enseignant_matiere_65, e1_.enseignant_etablissement AS enseignant_etablissement_66, e1_.enseignant_qualite AS enseignant_qualite_67, e1_.enseignant_precision_qualite AS enseignant_precision_qualite_68, e1_.enseignant_active AS enseignant_active_69, e1_.stats_acces AS stats_acces_70, e1_.alerte_bac AS alerte_bac_71, e1_.email_validation AS email_validation_72, e1_.connexion_theduc AS connexion_theduc_73, e1_.inscription_from AS inscription_from_74, e1_.private_comment AS private_comment_75, e1_.login AS login_76, e1_.other_email AS other_email_77, e1_.code_chge_email AS code_chge_email_78, e1_.old_login AS old_login_79, e1_.password AS password_80, e1_.thnetuser AS thnetuser_81, e1_.last_visit_annonces AS last_visit_annonces_82, e1_.address_ip AS address_ip_83, e1_.verified AS verified_84, e1_.activekey AS activekey_85, e1_.token_cookie AS token_cookie_86, e1_.date_resend AS date_resend_87, e1_.tokenpass AS tokenpass_88, e1_.sub_subscriber_id AS sub_subscriber_id_89, e1_.userrights AS userrights_90, e1_.special_user AS special_user_91, e1_.pseudo_streaming AS pseudo_streaming_92, e1_.contact_owner AS contact_owner_93, e1_.justification AS justification_94, e1_.sent AS sent_95, e1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_96, e1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_97, e1_.active AS active_98, c2_.idcontact AS idcontact_99, c2_.type AS type_100, c2_.organisation AS organisation_101, c2_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_102, c2_.lastname AS lastname_103, c2_.firstname AS firstname_104, c2_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_105, c2_.license AS license_106, c2_.comment AS comment_107, c2_.private_comment AS private_comment_108, c2_.address1 AS address1_109, c2_.address2 AS address2_110, c2_.zip AS zip_111, c2_.city AS city_112, c2_.phone1 AS phone1_113, c2_.phone2 AS phone2_114, c2_.fax AS fax_115, c2_.email1 AS email1_116, c2_.email1_online AS email1_online_117, c2_.email2_online AS email2_online_118, c2_.email2 AS email2_119, c2_.url AS url_120, c2_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_121, c2_.facebook AS facebook_122, c2_.twitter AS twitter_123, c2_.instagram AS instagram_124, c2_.mobile AS mobile_125, c2_.geocodable AS geocodable_126, c2_.x AS x_127, c2_.y AS y_128, c2_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_129, c2_.type_view AS type_view_130, c2_.stats_access AS stats_access_131, c2_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_132, c2_.is_festival AS is_festival_133, c2_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_134, c2_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_135, c2_.valid_version AS valid_version_136, c2_.other_versions AS other_versions_137, c2_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_138, c2_.url_clean AS url_clean_139, c2_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_140, c2_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_141, c2_.publish AS publish_142, c2_.valid AS valid_143, g3_.idgenretext AS idgenretext_144, g3_.genretext AS genretext_145, g3_.ordergenre AS ordergenre_146, g3_.visibility AS visibility_147, c4_.id AS id_148, c4_.fr AS fr_149, c4_.en AS en_150, c4_.es AS es_151, c4_.pt AS pt_152, c4_.de AS de_153, c4_.ru AS ru_154, c4_.orderby AS orderby_155 FROM texts t0_ LEFT JOIN extranetusers e1_ ON t0_.idextranetuser = e1_.idextranetuser LEFT JOIN contacts c2_ ON t0_.idcontact_publisher = c2_.idcontact LEFT JOIN genretexts g3_ ON t0_.idgenretext = g3_.idgenretext LEFT JOIN contacts c5_ ON t0_.idcontact_performing = c5_.idcontact LEFT JOIN countries c4_ ON t0_.country = c4_.id WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
3 0.74 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
                  AND tt.idtexttraduction=38005
                  ORDER BY t.title
4 0.58 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_translator j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=38005  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
5 0.60 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=38004  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
6 0.41 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(ta.idtextadaptation) FROM text_adaptation ta WHERE ta.idtext=38005
7 0.19 ms
SELECT t.idtext FROM texts t WHERE t.idtext=38005
8 76.88 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(s.idspectacle)) as total
            FROM text_spectacle ts, spectacles s
            WHERE ts.idspectacle=s.idspectacle AND s.publish=1 AND (ts.idtext=38005
                OR ts.idtext IN (
                )OR ts.idtext IN(
                    SELECT DISTINCT(t.idtext)
                                texts t,
                                text_traduction tt
                            t.idtext = tt.idtexttraduction
                            AND tt.idtext = 38005
9 0.30 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(t.`idtext`)) as total
                    FROM text_traduction tt, texts t
                    WHERE tt.`idtexttraduction`=t.`idtext` AND tt.`idtext`=38005 AND t.publish=1
10 0.17 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.classification IN ('class_couv'))) AND texts=1
11 1.42 ms
                FROM object_file of,
                     files f,
                     file_classification fc,
                     classifications cl,typesfiles tf
                   WHERE of.idfile=f.idfile
                   AND f.idfile=fc.idfile
                   AND of.idobject='38005'
                   AND of.object='texts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=fc.idclassification AND ((cl.classification IN ('class_couv'))) AND f.idtype=tf.idtype ORDER BY f.`range`,f.idfile
12 3.08 ms
SELECT t0_.idtext AS idtext_0, t0_.type AS type_1, t0_.idtypetext AS idtypetext_2, t0_.special_text AS special_text_3, t0_.title AS title_4, t0_.subtitle AS subtitle_5, t0_.date AS date_6, t0_.language AS language_7, t0_.markdown AS markdown_8, t0_.abstract AS abstract_9, t0_.abstract_author AS abstract_author_10, t0_.abstract_date AS abstract_date_11, t0_.abstract_url AS abstract_url_12, t0_.publisher_url_text AS publisher_url_text_13, t0_.publication_year AS publication_year_14, t0_.publication_month AS publication_month_15, t0_.isbn AS isbn_16, t0_.ean AS ean_17, t0_.publishinfos AS publishinfos_18, t0_.urltextaccess AS urltextaccess_19, t0_.emailtextaccess AS emailtextaccess_20, t0_.idfiletextaccess AS idfiletextaccess_21, t0_.filetextaccesssave AS filetextaccesssave_22, t0_.textaccessmore AS textaccessmore_23, t0_.request_translation_text AS request_translation_text_24, t0_.request_performing_text AS request_performing_text_25, t0_.help_translation AS help_translation_26, t0_.help_publishing AS help_publishing_27, t0_.help_other AS help_other_28, t0_.moreinfo AS moreinfo_29, t0_.nmale AS nmale_30, t0_.nfemale AS nfemale_31, t0_.npeople AS npeople_32, t0_.textorder AS textorder_33, t0_.nbpages AS nbpages_34, t0_.price AS price_35, t0_.selection_aneth AS selection_aneth_36, t0_.idtext_aneth AS idtext_aneth_37, t0_.aide_creation AS aide_creation_38, t0_.comments AS comments_39, t0_.url_clean AS url_clean_40, t0_.textfictif AS textfictif_41, t0_.valid_opendata AS valid_opendata_42, t0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_43, t0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_44, t0_.publish AS publish_45, t0_.statut AS statut_46, t0_.valid AS valid_47, e1_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_48, e1_.lastname AS lastname_49, e1_.firstname AS firstname_50, e1_.avatar AS avatar_51, e1_.signature AS signature_52, e1_.email AS email_53, e1_.token AS token_54, e1_.public_api_token AS public_api_token_55, e1_.public_api_desc AS public_api_desc_56, e1_.address AS address_57, e1_.zip AS zip_58, e1_.city AS city_59, e1_.secteur AS secteur_60, e1_.structure AS structure_61, e1_.fonction AS fonction_62, e1_.phone AS phone_63, e1_.enseignant_fonction AS enseignant_fonction_64, e1_.enseignant_matiere AS enseignant_matiere_65, e1_.enseignant_etablissement AS enseignant_etablissement_66, e1_.enseignant_qualite AS enseignant_qualite_67, e1_.enseignant_precision_qualite AS enseignant_precision_qualite_68, e1_.enseignant_active AS enseignant_active_69, e1_.stats_acces AS stats_acces_70, e1_.alerte_bac AS alerte_bac_71, e1_.email_validation AS email_validation_72, e1_.connexion_theduc AS connexion_theduc_73, e1_.inscription_from AS inscription_from_74, e1_.private_comment AS private_comment_75, e1_.login AS login_76, e1_.other_email AS other_email_77, e1_.code_chge_email AS code_chge_email_78, e1_.old_login AS old_login_79, e1_.password AS password_80, e1_.thnetuser AS thnetuser_81, e1_.last_visit_annonces AS last_visit_annonces_82, e1_.address_ip AS address_ip_83, e1_.verified AS verified_84, e1_.activekey AS activekey_85, e1_.token_cookie AS token_cookie_86, e1_.date_resend AS date_resend_87, e1_.tokenpass AS tokenpass_88, e1_.sub_subscriber_id AS sub_subscriber_id_89, e1_.userrights AS userrights_90, e1_.special_user AS special_user_91, e1_.pseudo_streaming AS pseudo_streaming_92, e1_.contact_owner AS contact_owner_93, e1_.justification AS justification_94, e1_.sent AS sent_95, e1_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_96, e1_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_97, e1_.active AS active_98, c2_.idcontact AS idcontact_99, c2_.type AS type_100, c2_.organisation AS organisation_101, c2_.nom_suite AS nom_suite_102, c2_.lastname AS lastname_103, c2_.firstname AS firstname_104, c2_.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_105, c2_.license AS license_106, c2_.comment AS comment_107, c2_.private_comment AS private_comment_108, c2_.address1 AS address1_109, c2_.address2 AS address2_110, c2_.zip AS zip_111, c2_.city AS city_112, c2_.phone1 AS phone1_113, c2_.phone2 AS phone2_114, c2_.fax AS fax_115, c2_.email1 AS email1_116, c2_.email1_online AS email1_online_117, c2_.email2_online AS email2_online_118, c2_.email2 AS email2_119, c2_.url AS url_120, c2_.url_ticket AS url_ticket_121, c2_.facebook AS facebook_122, c2_.twitter AS twitter_123, c2_.instagram AS instagram_124, c2_.mobile AS mobile_125, c2_.geocodable AS geocodable_126, c2_.x AS x_127, c2_.y AS y_128, c2_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_129, c2_.type_view AS type_view_130, c2_.stats_access AS stats_access_131, c2_.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_132, c2_.is_festival AS is_festival_133, c2_.link_on_video AS link_on_video_134, c2_.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_135, c2_.valid_version AS valid_version_136, c2_.other_versions AS other_versions_137, c2_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_138, c2_.url_clean AS url_clean_139, c2_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_140, c2_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_141, c2_.publish AS publish_142, c2_.valid AS valid_143, g3_.idgenretext AS idgenretext_144, g3_.genretext AS genretext_145, g3_.ordergenre AS ordergenre_146, g3_.visibility AS visibility_147, c4_.id AS id_148, c4_.fr AS fr_149, c4_.en AS en_150, c4_.es AS es_151, c4_.pt AS pt_152, c4_.de AS de_153, c4_.ru AS ru_154, c4_.orderby AS orderby_155 FROM texts t0_ LEFT JOIN extranetusers e1_ ON t0_.idextranetuser = e1_.idextranetuser LEFT JOIN contacts c2_ ON t0_.idcontact_publisher = c2_.idcontact LEFT JOIN genretexts g3_ ON t0_.idgenretext = g3_.idgenretext LEFT JOIN contacts c5_ ON t0_.idcontact_performing = c5_.idcontact LEFT JOIN countries c4_ ON t0_.country = c4_.id WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
13 0.09 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=38004  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
14 1.10 ms
SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT(podcasts.idpodcast)) as total , podcasts.* 
FROM  `podcast_text` ,
 WHERE 1  AND podcasts.`publish`=1  AND podcast_text.`idtext`=38005  AND ( `podcasts`.`code_franceinter` IS NOT NULL ) AND (`podcasts`.`type_diffusion` IS NULL OR `podcasts`.`type_diffusion` = 0) AND (podcasts.type_franceinter is NULL OR podcasts.type_franceinter = 0) AND podcasts.`idpodcast`=podcast_text.`idpodcast` 
LIMIT 0,200
15 0.92 ms
SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT(podcasts.idpodcast)) as total , podcasts.* 
FROM  `podcast_text` ,
 WHERE 1  AND podcasts.`publish`=1  AND podcast_text.`idtext`=38005  AND ( `podcasts`.`code_franceinter` IS NOT NULL ) AND (`podcasts`.`type_diffusion` IS NULL OR `podcasts`.`type_diffusion` = 0)  AND podcasts.`type_franceinter`=1 AND podcasts.`idpodcast`=podcast_text.`idpodcast` 
LIMIT 0,200
16 0.71 ms
SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT(podcasts.idpodcast)) as total , podcasts.* 
FROM  `podcast_text` ,
 WHERE 1  AND podcasts.`publish`=1  AND podcast_text.`idtext`=38005  AND podcasts.`code_soundcloud` IS NOT NULL AND (`podcasts`.`type_diffusion` IS NULL OR `podcasts`.`type_diffusion` = 0) AND podcasts.`idpodcast`=podcast_text.`idpodcast` 
LIMIT 0,200
17 2.13 ms
SELECT  DISTINCT(podcasts.idpodcast), podcasts.* 
FROM  `podcast_text` ,
 WHERE 1  AND podcasts.`publish`=1  AND podcast_text.`idtext`=38005  AND ( `podcasts`.`code_franceinter` IS NOT NULL  OR `podcasts`.`code_soundcloud` IS NOT NULL ) AND (`podcasts`.`type_diffusion` IS NULL OR `podcasts`.`type_diffusion` = 0) AND podcasts.`idpodcast`=podcast_text.`idpodcast` 
GROUP BY podcasts.idpodcast 
ORDER BY podcasts.`date_podcast` 
LIMIT 0,200
18 0.82 ms
SELECT p0_.idpodcast AS idpodcast_0, p0_.title AS title_1, p0_.description AS description_2, p0_.title_program AS title_program_3, p0_.name_program AS name_program_4, p0_.date_podcast AS date_podcast_5, p0_.hour_podcast AS hour_podcast_6, p0_.code_franceinter AS code_franceinter_7, p0_.type_franceinter AS type_franceinter_8, p0_.integrate_player AS integrate_player_9, p0_.link AS link_10, p0_.duration AS duration_11, p0_.code_ft AS code_ft_12, p0_.is_integrale AS is_integrale_13, p0_.type_diffusion AS type_diffusion_14, p0_.fin_visionnage_ft AS fin_visionnage_ft_15, p0_.date_captation_ft AS date_captation_ft_16, p0_.debut_visionnage_ft AS debut_visionnage_ft_17, p0_.code_arte AS code_arte_18, p0_.code_soundcloud AS code_soundcloud_19, p0_.code_spotify AS code_spotify_20, p0_.url_file AS url_file_21, p0_.url_clean AS url_clean_22, p0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_23, p0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_24, p0_.publish AS publish_25, p0_.valid AS valid_26, p0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_27 FROM podcasts p0_ WHERE p0_.idpodcast = ?
19 0.65 ms
SELECT j1.idspectacle,j1.title,j1.url_clean ,j3.idpodcast FROM theatreok_dev.spectacles j1, theatreok_dev.podcast_spectacle j2, theatreok_dev.podcasts j3
                        WHERE j3.idpodcast=j2.idpodcast
                        AND j1.idspectacle=j2.idspectacle
                        AND j3.idpodcast=4530
20 0.64 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.organisation,j1.url_clean ,j3.idpodcast FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.podcast_contact j2, theatreok_dev.podcasts j3
                        WHERE j3.idpodcast=j2.idpodcast
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.idpodcast=4530
21 0.66 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean ,j3.idpodcast FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.podcast_person j2, theatreok_dev.podcasts j3
                        WHERE j3.idpodcast=j2.idpodcast
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idpodcast=4530
22 0.49 ms
SELECT j1.idtext,j1.title,j1.url_clean ,j3.idpodcast FROM theatreok_dev.texts j1, theatreok_dev.podcast_text j2, theatreok_dev.podcasts j3
                        WHERE j3.idpodcast=j2.idpodcast
                        AND j1.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j3.idpodcast=4530
23 0.23 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
24 0.05 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
                  AND tt.idtexttraduction=38005
                  ORDER BY t.title
25 0.06 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=38004  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
26 0.10 ms
SELECT url_file FROM podcasts WHERE idpodcast=4530
27 0.05 ms
SELECT url_file FROM podcasts WHERE idpodcast=4530
28 0.35 ms
SELECT DISTINCT t0_.idtext AS idtext_0 FROM texts t1_ INNER JOIN text_adaptation t2_ ON t1_.idtext = t2_.idtextadaptation INNER JOIN texts t0_ ON t0_.idtext = t2_.idtext WHERE t1_.idtext = 38005
29 0.54 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s0_.idspectacle) AS sclr_0, MIN(s1_.date) AS sclr_1 FROM spectacles s0_ LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t3_ ON s0_.idspectacle = t3_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t2_ ON t2_.idtext = t3_.idtext LEFT JOIN typesspectacles t4_ ON s0_.idtypespectacle = t4_.idtypespectacle LEFT JOIN schedules s1_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s1_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN text_spectacle t6_ ON s0_.idspectacle = t6_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN texts t5_ ON t5_.idtext = t6_.idtext LEFT JOIN spectacle_person s8_ ON s0_.idspectacle = s8_.idspectacle LEFT JOIN persons p7_ ON p7_.idperson = s8_.idperson INNER JOIN contacts c9_ ON s1_.idcontact = c9_.idcontact WHERE s0_.language = 'fr' AND (s0_.publish = 1 AND t2_.idtext = 38005) ORDER BY s1_.date ASC
30 0.34 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(d.`idpodcast`)) as total
                FROM podcasts d, podcast_text do
                WHERE d.`publish`=1
                AND do.`idpodcast`= d.`idpodcast` AND do.`idtext`=38005 AND d.code_franceinter IS NOT NULL
31 0.37 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(d.`idpodcast`)) as total
                FROM podcasts d, podcast_text do
                WHERE d.`publish`=1
                AND do.`idpodcast`= d.`idpodcast` AND do.`idtext`=38005 AND d.code_soundcloud IS NOT NULL
32 0.04 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.classification IN ('class_genese'))) AND texts=1
33 0.50 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(oc.idcontent)) as total
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='38005'
                   AND oc.object='texts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND ((cl.classification IN ('class_genese')))
34 0.43 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.`idplaylist`)) as total
                FROM playlists p
                    LEFT JOIN playlist_classification pc ON pc.`idplaylist`=p.`idplaylist`
                    LEFT JOIN classifications c ON pc.`idclassification`=c.`idclassification`
                WHERE p.`publish`=1
                AND p.`idtext` IN ('38005')  AND c.`classification`='class_texte_parauteur'
35 0.31 ms
SELECT p.`idplaylist`
                FROM playlists p
                    LEFT JOIN playlist_classification pc ON pc.`idplaylist`=p.`idplaylist`
                    LEFT JOIN classifications c ON pc.`idclassification`=c.`idclassification`
                WHERE p.`publish`=1
                AND p.`idtext`=38005 AND c.`classification`='class_texte_parauteur' LIMIT 0,1
36 0.18 ms
SELECT p0_.idplaylist AS idplaylist_0, p0_.title AS title_1, p0_.description AS description_2, p0_.url_clean AS url_clean_3, p0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_4, p0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_5, p0_.publish AS publish_6, p0_.valid AS valid_7 FROM playlists p0_ WHERE p0_.idplaylist = ?
37 0.18 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean ,j3.idplaylist FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.playlists j3
                        WHERE j1.idperson=j3.idperson
                        AND j3.idplaylist=895
38 0.17 ms
SELECT j1.idspectacle,j1.title,j1.url_clean ,j3.idplaylist FROM theatreok_dev.spectacles j1, theatreok_dev.playlists j3
                        WHERE j1.idspectacle=j3.idspectacle
                        AND j3.idplaylist=895
39 0.18 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.organisation,j1.url_clean ,j3.idplaylist FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.playlists j3
                        WHERE j1.idcontact=j3.idcontact
                        AND j3.idplaylist=895
40 0.18 ms
SELECT j1.idtext,j1.title,j1.url_clean ,j3.idplaylist FROM theatreok_dev.texts j1, theatreok_dev.playlists j3
                        WHERE j1.idtext=j3.idtext
                        AND j3.idplaylist=895
41 0.05 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
42 0.04 ms
SELECT t.idtext, t.title, t.type, t.language, t.date, t.url_clean
                  FROM texts t, text_traduction tt
                  WHERE t.idtext=tt.idtext
                  AND tt.idtexttraduction=38005
                  ORDER BY t.title
43 0.04 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=38004  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
44 0.36 ms
SELECT j1.idmultimedia,j1.sujet_titre,j1.url_clean,j1.status,j1.price ,j3.idplaylist FROM theatreok_dev.multimedias j1, theatreok_dev.playlist_multimedia j2, theatreok_dev.playlists j3
                        WHERE j3.idplaylist=j2.idplaylist
                        AND j1.idmultimedia=j2.idmultimedia
                        AND j3.idplaylist=895  ORDER BY j2.`orderplaylist`
45 0.25 ms
SELECT j1.idclassification,j1.classification,j1.type,j1.idgroupclassification ,j3.idplaylist FROM theatreok_dev.classifications j1, theatreok_dev.playlist_classification j2, theatreok_dev.playlists j3
                        WHERE j3.idplaylist=j2.idplaylist
                        AND j1.idclassification=j2.idclassification
                        AND j3.idplaylist=895
46 0.36 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.`idplaylist`)) as total
                FROM playlists p
                    LEFT JOIN playlist_classification pc ON pc.`idplaylist`=p.`idplaylist`
                    LEFT JOIN classifications c ON pc.`idclassification`=c.`idclassification`
                WHERE p.`publish`=1
                AND p.`idtext` IN ('38005')  AND c.`classification`='class_en_video'
47 0.34 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.`idplaylist`)) as total
                FROM playlists p
                    LEFT JOIN playlist_classification pc ON pc.`idplaylist`=p.`idplaylist`
                    LEFT JOIN classifications c ON pc.`idclassification`=c.`idclassification`
                WHERE p.`publish`=1
                AND p.`idtext` IN ('38005')  AND c.`classification`='class_texte_par_traducteur'
48 0.45 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(T1.idnew)) as total  FROM news T1 INNER JOIN newschedules T3
                            ON T3.idnew=T1.idnew
                            INNER JOIN extranetusers T2 ON T2.idextranetuser=T1.idextranetuser
                            INNER JOIN contacts T4 ON T4.idcontact=T3.idcontact  LEFT JOIN new_text T5 ON T5.idnew=T1.idnew  WHERE 1  AND (T5.idtext=38005 ) AND T1.publish=1 AND T1.publish=1 AND T1.valid=1
49 0.04 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.idclassification IN (6))) AND texts=1
50 0.38 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(oc.idcontent)) as total
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='38005'
                   AND oc.object='texts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND ((cl.idclassification IN (6)))
51 0.04 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.idclassification IN (214))) AND texts=1
52 0.34 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(oc.idcontent)) as total
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='38005'
                   AND oc.object='texts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND ((cl.idclassification IN (214)))
53 0.04 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.idclassification IN (7))) AND texts=1
54 0.32 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(oc.idcontent)) as total
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='38005'
                   AND oc.object='texts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND ((cl.idclassification IN (7)))
55 0.05 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.idclassification IN (8))) AND texts=1
56 0.51 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(oc.idcontent)) as total
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='38005'
                   AND oc.object='texts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND ((cl.idclassification IN (8)))
57 0.10 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.idclassification IN (125))) AND texts=1
58 0.58 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(oc.idcontent)) as total
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='38005'
                   AND oc.object='texts'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND ((cl.idclassification IN (125)))
59 0.32 ms
SELECT COUNT(s.`idspectacle`) FROM spectacles s
                JOIN text_spectacle ts  ON ts.`idspectacle`=s.`idspectacle`
                JOIN object_content oc  ON oc.`idobject`=s.`idspectacle`
                JOIN contents c ON c.`idcontent`=oc.`idcontent`
                JOIN content_classification cc ON cc.`idcontent`=c.`idcontent`
                WHERE c.publish=1
                AND oc.object='spectacles'
                AND cc.idclassification=125
                AND ts.idtext IN (38005)
                AND s.`publish`=1 AND s.`valid`=1
60 0.45 ms
SELECT t0.idstat AS idstat_1, t0.type AS type_2, t0.module AS module_3, t0.url AS url_4, t0.idcontent AS idcontent_5, t0.object AS object_6, t0.idobject AS idobject_7, t0.video AS video_8, t0.remote_addr AS remote_addr_9, t0.lng AS lng_10, t0.source AS source_11, t0.md5url AS md5url_12, t0.dateinsert AS dateinsert_13 FROM stats t0 WHERE t0.remote_addr = ? AND t0.idcontent = ? AND t0.md5url = ?
61 1.65 ms
INSERT INTO stats (type, module, url, md5url, idcontent, object, idobject, video, lng, remote_addr, source) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
62 1.30 ms
SELECT * FROM bannieres
                WHERE publish=1
                AND valid=1
                AND is_bottom=1
                AND date_start<=NOW()
                AND date_end>=NOW()
                ORDER BY bannieres.order ASC
                LIMIT 0,10

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