Query Metrics

62 Database Queries
56 Different statements
57.89 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities
0 Cache hits
0 Cache misses
0 Cache puts


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 1.67 ms
SELECT iddvd FROM dvds WHERE url_clean='Cendrillon'
2 0.57 ms
SELECT d0_.iddvd AS iddvd_0, d0_.title AS title_1, d0_.date_shooting AS date_shooting_2, d0_.place_shooting AS place_shooting_3, d0_.price AS price_4, d0_.comments AS comments_5, d0_.time_movie AS time_movie_6, d0_.url_vente AS url_vente_7, d0_.url_vente_bis AS url_vente_bis_8, d0_.import_copat AS import_copat_9, d0_.url_clean AS url_clean_10, d0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, d0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, d0_.publish AS publish_13 FROM dvds d0_ WHERE d0_.iddvd = ?
3 0.22 ms
SELECT d0_.iddvd AS iddvd_0, d0_.title AS title_1, d0_.date_shooting AS date_shooting_2, d0_.place_shooting AS place_shooting_3, d0_.price AS price_4, d0_.comments AS comments_5, d0_.time_movie AS time_movie_6, d0_.url_vente AS url_vente_7, d0_.url_vente_bis AS url_vente_bis_8, d0_.import_copat AS import_copat_9, d0_.url_clean AS url_clean_10, d0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_11, d0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_12, d0_.publish AS publish_13, d0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_14, d0_.iddvdzone AS iddvdzone_15, d0_.iddvdformat AS iddvdformat_16, d0_.iddvdtechno AS iddvdtechno_17 FROM dvds d0_ WHERE d0_.iddvd = ?
4 0.26 ms
SELECT * FROM dvdzones WHERE iddvdzone=1
5 0.16 ms
SELECT * FROM dvdtechnos WHERE iddvdtechno=1
6 0.13 ms
SELECT * FROM dvdformats WHERE iddvdformat=1
7 0.40 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.iddvd FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.dvd_person j2, theatreok_dev.dvds j3
                        WHERE j3.iddvd=j2.iddvd
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.iddvd=235  AND j2.idrole=26
8 0.87 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.iddvd FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.dvd_person j2, theatreok_dev.dvds j3
                        WHERE j3.iddvd=j2.iddvd
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.iddvd=235  AND j2.idrole=21
9 0.33 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.iddvd FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.dvd_person j2, theatreok_dev.dvds j3
                        WHERE j3.iddvd=j2.iddvd
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.iddvd=235  AND j2.idrole=1
10 0.34 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.iddvd FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.dvd_person j2, theatreok_dev.dvds j3
                        WHERE j3.iddvd=j2.iddvd
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.iddvd=235  AND j2.idrole=25
11 0.76 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.iddvd FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.dvd_person j2, theatreok_dev.dvds j3
                        WHERE j3.iddvd=j2.iddvd
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.iddvd=235  AND j2.idrole=5
12 0.83 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.organisation,j1.firstname,j1.lastname,j1.url_clean ,j3.iddvd FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.dvd_contact j2, theatreok_dev.dvds j3
                        WHERE j3.iddvd=j2.iddvd
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.iddvd=235  AND j2.idrole=27
13 0.41 ms
SELECT j1.idspectacle,j1.title,j1.url_clean ,j3.iddvd FROM theatreok_dev.spectacles j1, theatreok_dev.dvd_spectacle j2, theatreok_dev.dvds j3
                        WHERE j3.iddvd=j2.iddvd
                        AND j1.idspectacle=j2.idspectacle
                        AND j3.iddvd=235
14 0.31 ms
SELECT t.title FROM texts t, text_spectacle ts
                      WHERE t.idtext=ts.idtext AND ts.idspectacle=5119
15 0.30 ms
SELECT j1.idmultimedia,j1.sujet_titre,j1.url_clean,j1.status,j1.price ,j3.iddvd FROM theatreok_dev.multimedias j1, theatreok_dev.dvd_multimedia j2, theatreok_dev.dvds j3
                        WHERE j3.iddvd=j2.iddvd
                        AND j1.idmultimedia=j2.idmultimedia
                        AND j3.iddvd=235
16 0.58 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.organisation,j1.firstname,j1.lastname,j1.url_clean ,j3.iddvd FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.dvd_contact j2, theatreok_dev.dvds j3
                        WHERE j3.iddvd=j2.iddvd
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.iddvd=235  AND j2.idrole=17
17 0.46 ms
SELECT j1.idcontact,j1.organisation,j1.firstname,j1.lastname,j1.url_clean ,j3.iddvd FROM theatreok_dev.contacts j1, theatreok_dev.dvd_contact j2, theatreok_dev.dvds j3
                        WHERE j3.iddvd=j2.iddvd
                        AND j1.idcontact=j2.idcontact
                        AND j3.iddvd=235  AND j2.idrole=28
18 0.99 ms
SELECT m0_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_0, m0_.idsupport AS idsupport_1, m0_.publish AS publish_2, m0_.status AS status_3, m0_.policy_access AS policy_access_4, AS support_5, m0_.evenement AS evenement_6, m0_.sujet_titre AS sujet_titre_7, m0_.language AS language_8, m0_.markdown AS markdown_9, m0_.duree AS duree_10, AS date_11, m0_.lieu AS lieu_12, m0_.particip_comed AS particip_comed_13, m0_.description AS description_14, m0_.use_cloud AS use_cloud_15, m0_.type_streaming AS type_streaming_16, m0_.mp3 AS mp3_17, m0_.hd2160 AS hd2160_18, m0_.hd1080 AS hd1080_19, m0_.upload AS upload_20, m0_.hd720 AS hd720_21, m0_.h264m AS h264m_22, m0_.h264 AS h264_23, m0_.flv AS flv_24, m0_.flv_width AS flv_width_25, m0_.flv_height AS flv_height_26, m0_.duree_site AS duree_site_27, m0_.duree_site_sec AS duree_site_sec_28, m0_.audio_video AS audio_video_29, m0_.filmeur AS filmeur_30, m0_.copyright AS copyright_31, m0_.etalab AS etalab_32, m0_.mots AS mots_33, m0_.tags AS tags_34, m0_.quality AS quality_35, m0_.url_clean AS url_clean_36, m0_.code AS code_37, m0_.fichier_local AS fichier_local_38, m0_.note_extranet AS note_extranet_39, m0_.note_extranetuser AS note_extranetuser_40, m0_.video_tete AS video_tete_41, m0_.avignondate AS avignondate_42, m0_.heywatch AS heywatch_43, m0_.is_coconut AS is_coconut_44, m0_.price AS price_45, m0_.count_view AS count_view_46, m0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_47, m0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_48, m0_.traite_comed AS traite_comed_49, m0_.traite_format AS traite_format_50, m0_.conversion_local AS conversion_local_51, m0_.idextranetuser_producteur AS idextranetuser_producteur_52, m0_.type AS type_53, m0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_54, m0_.idcontact_producteur AS idcontact_producteur_55 FROM multimedias m0_ WHERE m0_.idmultimedia = ?
19 0.61 ms
SELECT m0_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_0, m0_.idsupport AS idsupport_1, m0_.publish AS publish_2, m0_.status AS status_3, m0_.policy_access AS policy_access_4, AS support_5, m0_.evenement AS evenement_6, m0_.sujet_titre AS sujet_titre_7, m0_.language AS language_8, m0_.markdown AS markdown_9, m0_.duree AS duree_10, AS date_11, m0_.lieu AS lieu_12, m0_.particip_comed AS particip_comed_13, m0_.description AS description_14, m0_.use_cloud AS use_cloud_15, m0_.type_streaming AS type_streaming_16, m0_.mp3 AS mp3_17, m0_.hd2160 AS hd2160_18, m0_.hd1080 AS hd1080_19, m0_.upload AS upload_20, m0_.hd720 AS hd720_21, m0_.h264m AS h264m_22, m0_.h264 AS h264_23, m0_.flv AS flv_24, m0_.flv_width AS flv_width_25, m0_.flv_height AS flv_height_26, m0_.duree_site AS duree_site_27, m0_.duree_site_sec AS duree_site_sec_28, m0_.audio_video AS audio_video_29, m0_.filmeur AS filmeur_30, m0_.copyright AS copyright_31, m0_.etalab AS etalab_32, m0_.mots AS mots_33, m0_.tags AS tags_34, m0_.quality AS quality_35, m0_.url_clean AS url_clean_36, m0_.code AS code_37, m0_.fichier_local AS fichier_local_38, m0_.note_extranet AS note_extranet_39, m0_.note_extranetuser AS note_extranetuser_40, m0_.video_tete AS video_tete_41, m0_.avignondate AS avignondate_42, m0_.heywatch AS heywatch_43, m0_.is_coconut AS is_coconut_44, m0_.price AS price_45, m0_.count_view AS count_view_46, m0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_47, m0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_48, m0_.traite_comed AS traite_comed_49, m0_.traite_format AS traite_format_50, m0_.conversion_local AS conversion_local_51, m0_.idextranetuser_producteur AS idextranetuser_producteur_52, m0_.type AS type_53, m0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_54, m0_.idcontact_producteur AS idcontact_producteur_55 FROM multimedias m0_ WHERE m0_.idmultimedia = ?
20 0.49 ms
SELECT  DISTINCT(multimedias.idmultimedia), multimedias.* 
FROM  `multimedias`  
 WHERE 1  AND multimedias.`idmultimedia` IN (4790,5215)  AND multimedias.`publish`=1 
GROUP BY multimedias.idmultimedia 
ORDER BY multimedias.dateinsert 
LIMIT 0,10
21 0.30 ms
SELECT m0_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_0, m0_.idsupport AS idsupport_1, m0_.publish AS publish_2, m0_.status AS status_3, m0_.policy_access AS policy_access_4, AS support_5, m0_.evenement AS evenement_6, m0_.sujet_titre AS sujet_titre_7, m0_.language AS language_8, m0_.markdown AS markdown_9, m0_.duree AS duree_10, AS date_11, m0_.lieu AS lieu_12, m0_.particip_comed AS particip_comed_13, m0_.description AS description_14, m0_.use_cloud AS use_cloud_15, m0_.type_streaming AS type_streaming_16, m0_.mp3 AS mp3_17, m0_.hd2160 AS hd2160_18, m0_.hd1080 AS hd1080_19, m0_.upload AS upload_20, m0_.hd720 AS hd720_21, m0_.h264m AS h264m_22, m0_.h264 AS h264_23, m0_.flv AS flv_24, m0_.flv_width AS flv_width_25, m0_.flv_height AS flv_height_26, m0_.duree_site AS duree_site_27, m0_.duree_site_sec AS duree_site_sec_28, m0_.audio_video AS audio_video_29, m0_.filmeur AS filmeur_30, m0_.copyright AS copyright_31, m0_.etalab AS etalab_32, m0_.mots AS mots_33, m0_.tags AS tags_34, m0_.quality AS quality_35, m0_.url_clean AS url_clean_36, m0_.code AS code_37, m0_.fichier_local AS fichier_local_38, m0_.note_extranet AS note_extranet_39, m0_.note_extranetuser AS note_extranetuser_40, m0_.video_tete AS video_tete_41, m0_.avignondate AS avignondate_42, m0_.heywatch AS heywatch_43, m0_.is_coconut AS is_coconut_44, m0_.price AS price_45, m0_.count_view AS count_view_46, m0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_47, m0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_48, m0_.traite_comed AS traite_comed_49, m0_.traite_format AS traite_format_50, m0_.conversion_local AS conversion_local_51, m0_.idextranetuser_producteur AS idextranetuser_producteur_52, m0_.type AS type_53, m0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_54, m0_.idcontact_producteur AS idcontact_producteur_55 FROM multimedias m0_ WHERE m0_.idmultimedia = ?
22 0.32 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, persons.idperson, persons.lastname, persons.firstname, persons.url_clean
                    FROM object_multimedia, persons
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=persons.idperson
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=5215
                    AND object_multimedia.object='persons' AND object_multimedia.idrole=21 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
23 0.29 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, persons.idperson, persons.lastname, persons.firstname, persons.url_clean
                    FROM object_multimedia, persons
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=persons.idperson
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=5215
                    AND object_multimedia.object='persons' AND object_multimedia.idrole=1 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
24 0.27 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, persons.idperson, persons.lastname, persons.firstname, persons.url_clean
                    FROM object_multimedia, persons
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=persons.idperson
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=5215
                    AND object_multimedia.object='persons' AND object_multimedia.idrole=5 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
25 3.58 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, persons.idperson, persons.lastname, persons.firstname, persons.url_clean
                    FROM object_multimedia, persons
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=persons.idperson
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=5215
                    AND object_multimedia.object='persons' AND object_multimedia.idrole=25 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
26 0.70 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, contacts.idcontact, contacts.type, contacts.organisation, contacts.url_clean, contacts.link_on_video
                    FROM object_multimedia, contacts
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=contacts.idcontact
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=5215
                    AND object_multimedia.object='contacts' AND object_multimedia.idrole=22 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
27 0.29 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, contacts.idcontact, contacts.type, contacts.organisation, contacts.url_clean, contacts.link_on_video
                    FROM object_multimedia, contacts
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=contacts.idcontact
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=5215
                    AND object_multimedia.object='contacts' AND object_multimedia.idrole=23 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
28 5.10 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, spectacles.idspectacle, spectacles.title, spectacles.url_clean, spectacles.idtypespectacle
                    FROM object_multimedia, spectacles
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=spectacles.idspectacle
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=5215
                    AND object_multimedia.object='spectacles' ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
29 0.13 ms
SELECT idspectacle,title,url_clean,valid
                        FROM spectacles
                        WHERE idspectacle=5119
30 0.04 ms
SELECT t.title FROM texts t, text_spectacle ts
                      WHERE t.idtext=ts.idtext AND ts.idspectacle=5119
31 5.39 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, texts.idtext, texts.title, texts.url_clean, texts.textfictif, texts.valid
                    FROM object_multimedia, texts
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=texts.idtext
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=5215
                    AND object_multimedia.object='texts' ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
32 0.24 ms
SELECT  DISTINCT(keywords.idkeyword), keywords.* 
FROM  `multimedia_keyword` ,
 WHERE 1  AND keywords.`publish`=1  AND multimedia_keyword.`idmultimedia`=5215 AND keywords.`idkeyword`=multimedia_keyword.`idkeyword` 
GROUP BY keywords.idkeyword 
ORDER BY keywords.dateinsert 
LIMIT 0,10
33 0.41 ms
SELECT m0_.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_0, m0_.idsupport AS idsupport_1, m0_.publish AS publish_2, m0_.status AS status_3, m0_.policy_access AS policy_access_4, AS support_5, m0_.evenement AS evenement_6, m0_.sujet_titre AS sujet_titre_7, m0_.language AS language_8, m0_.markdown AS markdown_9, m0_.duree AS duree_10, AS date_11, m0_.lieu AS lieu_12, m0_.particip_comed AS particip_comed_13, m0_.description AS description_14, m0_.use_cloud AS use_cloud_15, m0_.type_streaming AS type_streaming_16, m0_.mp3 AS mp3_17, m0_.hd2160 AS hd2160_18, m0_.hd1080 AS hd1080_19, m0_.upload AS upload_20, m0_.hd720 AS hd720_21, m0_.h264m AS h264m_22, m0_.h264 AS h264_23, m0_.flv AS flv_24, m0_.flv_width AS flv_width_25, m0_.flv_height AS flv_height_26, m0_.duree_site AS duree_site_27, m0_.duree_site_sec AS duree_site_sec_28, m0_.audio_video AS audio_video_29, m0_.filmeur AS filmeur_30, m0_.copyright AS copyright_31, m0_.etalab AS etalab_32, m0_.mots AS mots_33, m0_.tags AS tags_34, m0_.quality AS quality_35, m0_.url_clean AS url_clean_36, m0_.code AS code_37, m0_.fichier_local AS fichier_local_38, m0_.note_extranet AS note_extranet_39, m0_.note_extranetuser AS note_extranetuser_40, m0_.video_tete AS video_tete_41, m0_.avignondate AS avignondate_42, m0_.heywatch AS heywatch_43, m0_.is_coconut AS is_coconut_44, m0_.price AS price_45, m0_.count_view AS count_view_46, m0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_47, m0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_48, m0_.traite_comed AS traite_comed_49, m0_.traite_format AS traite_format_50, m0_.conversion_local AS conversion_local_51, m0_.idextranetuser_producteur AS idextranetuser_producteur_52, m0_.type AS type_53, m0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_54, m0_.idcontact_producteur AS idcontact_producteur_55 FROM multimedias m0_ WHERE m0_.idmultimedia = ?
34 0.38 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, persons.idperson, persons.lastname, persons.firstname, persons.url_clean
                    FROM object_multimedia, persons
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=persons.idperson
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=4790
                    AND object_multimedia.object='persons' AND object_multimedia.idrole=21 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
35 0.33 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, persons.idperson, persons.lastname, persons.firstname, persons.url_clean
                    FROM object_multimedia, persons
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=persons.idperson
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=4790
                    AND object_multimedia.object='persons' AND object_multimedia.idrole=1 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
36 0.24 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, persons.idperson, persons.lastname, persons.firstname, persons.url_clean
                    FROM object_multimedia, persons
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=persons.idperson
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=4790
                    AND object_multimedia.object='persons' AND object_multimedia.idrole=5 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
37 2.87 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, persons.idperson, persons.lastname, persons.firstname, persons.url_clean
                    FROM object_multimedia, persons
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=persons.idperson
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=4790
                    AND object_multimedia.object='persons' AND object_multimedia.idrole=25 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
38 0.76 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, contacts.idcontact, contacts.type, contacts.organisation, contacts.url_clean, contacts.link_on_video
                    FROM object_multimedia, contacts
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=contacts.idcontact
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=4790
                    AND object_multimedia.object='contacts' AND object_multimedia.idrole=22 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
39 0.26 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, contacts.idcontact, contacts.type, contacts.organisation, contacts.url_clean, contacts.link_on_video
                    FROM object_multimedia, contacts
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=contacts.idcontact
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=4790
                    AND object_multimedia.object='contacts' AND object_multimedia.idrole=23 ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
40 4.64 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, spectacles.idspectacle, spectacles.title, spectacles.url_clean, spectacles.idtypespectacle
                    FROM object_multimedia, spectacles
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=spectacles.idspectacle
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=4790
                    AND object_multimedia.object='spectacles' ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
41 0.06 ms
SELECT idspectacle,title,url_clean,valid
                        FROM spectacles
                        WHERE idspectacle=5119
42 0.04 ms
SELECT t.title FROM texts t, text_spectacle ts
                      WHERE t.idtext=ts.idtext AND ts.idspectacle=5119
43 5.07 ms
SELECT object_multimedia.object, object_multimedia.idobject, texts.idtext, texts.title, texts.url_clean, texts.textfictif, texts.valid
                    FROM object_multimedia, texts
                    WHERE object_multimedia.idobject=texts.idtext
                    AND object_multimedia.idmultimedia=4790
                    AND object_multimedia.object='texts' ORDER BY object_multimedia.ordermultimedia
44 0.26 ms
SELECT  DISTINCT(keywords.idkeyword), keywords.* 
FROM  `multimedia_keyword` ,
 WHERE 1  AND keywords.`publish`=1  AND multimedia_keyword.`idmultimedia`=4790 AND keywords.`idkeyword`=multimedia_keyword.`idkeyword` 
GROUP BY keywords.idkeyword 
ORDER BY keywords.dateinsert 
LIMIT 0,10
45 0.55 ms
SELECT s0_.idspectacle AS idspectacle_0, s0_.title AS title_1, s0_.language AS language_2, s0_.creation_date AS creation_date_3, s0_.url_page AS url_page_4, s0_.infos AS infos_5, s0_.tag AS tag_6, s0_.id_rubrique AS id_rubrique_7, s0_.duration AS duration_8, s0_.interlude AS interlude_9, s0_.textfictif AS textfictif_10, s0_.url_redirect AS url_redirect_11, s0_.url_clean AS url_clean_12, s0_.dateupdate AS dateupdate_13, s0_.dateinsert AS dateinsert_14, s0_.publish AS publish_15, s0_.statut AS statut_16, s0_.valid AS valid_17, s0_.idtypespectacle AS idtypespectacle_18, s0_.idcontact_creation AS idcontact_creation_19, s0_.idcontact_production AS idcontact_production_20, s0_.idspectaclegenre AS idspectaclegenre_21, s0_.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_22 FROM spectacles s0_ WHERE s0_.idspectacle = ?
46 1.18 ms
SELECT t0.idcontact AS idcontact_1, t0.type AS type_2, t0.organisation AS organisation_3, t0.nom_suite AS nom_suite_4, t0.lastname AS lastname_5, t0.firstname AS firstname_6, t0.idtypestructure AS idtypestructure_7, t0.license AS license_8, t0.comment AS comment_9, t0.private_comment AS private_comment_10, t0.address1 AS address1_11, t0.address2 AS address2_12, AS zip_13, AS city_14, t0.phone1 AS phone1_15, t0.phone2 AS phone2_16, t0.fax AS fax_17, t0.email1 AS email1_18, t0.email1_online AS email1_online_19, t0.email2_online AS email2_online_20, t0.email2 AS email2_21, t0.url AS url_22, t0.url_ticket AS url_ticket_23, t0.facebook AS facebook_24, t0.twitter AS twitter_25, t0.instagram AS instagram_26, AS mobile_27, t0.geocodable AS geocodable_28, t0.x AS x_29, t0.y AS y_30, t0.idmultimedia AS idmultimedia_31, t0.type_view AS type_view_32, t0.stats_access AS stats_access_33, t0.ga_tracking_id AS ga_tracking_id_34, t0.is_festival AS is_festival_35, t0.link_on_video AS link_on_video_36, t0.is_partenaire AS is_partenaire_37, t0.valid_version AS valid_version_38, t0.other_versions AS other_versions_39, t0.url_redirect AS url_redirect_40, t0.url_clean AS url_clean_41, t0.dateupdate AS dateupdate_42, t0.dateinsert AS dateinsert_43, t0.publish AS publish_44, t0.valid AS valid_45, AS country_46, t0.idextranetuser AS idextranetuser_47 FROM contacts t0 WHERE t0.idcontact = ?
47 0.12 ms
SELECT fr FROM countries WHERE id='BE'
48 0.06 ms
                    FROM typesspectacles e, langterms lt 
                    AND idtypespectacle=4
49 0.04 ms
SELECT fr FROM languages WHERE id='fr'
50 0.91 ms
SELECT t.idtext,t.title,t.type,t.url_clean, t.textfictif FROM texts t, text_spectacle ts
                WHERE 1
                AND ts.idspectacle=5119
                AND t.idtext=ts.idtext
51 0.21 ms
SELECT t0_.type AS type_0 FROM texts t0_ WHERE t0_.idtext = ?
52 0.72 ms
SELECT j1.idperson,j1.lastname,j1.firstname,j1.url_clean,j1.valid ,j3.idtext FROM theatreok_dev.persons j1, theatreok_dev.text_author j2, theatreok_dev.texts j3
                        WHERE j3.idtext=j2.idtext
                        AND j1.idperson=j2.idperson
                        AND j3.idtext=7498  ORDER BY j2.classement ASC
53 0.86 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=5119  AND r.type_creator=1 ORDER BY sp.`classement`
54 1.08 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=5119  AND sp.idrole=5 ORDER BY p.`lastname`
55 1.65 ms
SELECT c.`idcontact`, c.`organisation`, c.`lastname`, c.`firstname`, c.`url`, c.`url_clean`, c.`valid`
                    FROM contacts c
                    JOIN spectacle_contact sc ON sc.`idcontact`=c.`idcontact`
                    WHERE sc.`idspectacle`=5119
                    AND sc.`idrole` IN (17)
                    ORDER BY c.`organisation`
56 1.33 ms
SELECT c.`idcontact`, c.`organisation`, c.`lastname`, c.`firstname`, c.`url`, c.`url_clean`, c.`valid`
                    FROM contacts c
                    JOIN spectacle_contact sc ON sc.`idcontact`=c.`idcontact`
                    WHERE sc.`idspectacle`=5119
                    AND sc.`idrole` IN (18)
                    ORDER BY c.`organisation`
57 1.19 ms
SELECT c.`idcontact`, c.`organisation`, c.`lastname`, c.`firstname`, c.`url`, c.`url_clean`, c.`valid`
                    FROM contacts c
                    JOIN spectacle_contact sc ON sc.`idcontact`=c.`idcontact`
                    WHERE sc.`idspectacle`=5119
                    AND sc.`idrole` IN (19)
                    ORDER BY c.`organisation`
58 2.74 ms
SELECT p.`idperson` as id, p.`idperson` as idperson, p.`lastname`, p.`firstname`, p.`url_clean`, p.`valid`,
                        r.`idrole`, r.`role`, r.`type`,
                        FROM persons p
                            JOIN spectacle_person sp ON sp.`idperson`=p.`idperson`
                            JOIN roles r ON r.`idrole`=sp.`idrole`
                            JOIN langterms lt ON r.`role`=lt.`id`
                        WHERE sp.idspectacle=5119  AND r.type=1 ORDER BY p.`lastname`
59 0.34 ms
SELECT DISTINCT(cl.type) FROM classifications cl WHERE ((cl.classification IN ('class_distribution'))) AND spectacles=1
60 1.27 ms
                FROM object_content oc,
                     contents c,
                     content_classification cc,
                     classifications cl
                   WHERE oc.idcontent=c.idcontent
                   AND c.idcontent=cc.idcontent
                   AND oc.idobject='5119'
                   AND oc.object='spectacles'
                   AND cl.idclassification=cc.idclassification AND ((cl.classification IN ('class_distribution'))) ORDER BY c.`range`,c.idcontent
61 0.37 ms
SELECT j1.idclassification,j1.classification,j1.type,j1.idgroupclassification ,j3.idcontent FROM theatreok_dev.classifications j1, theatreok_dev.content_classification j2, theatreok_dev.contents j3
                        WHERE j3.idcontent=j2.idcontent
                        AND j1.idclassification=j2.idclassification
                        AND j3.idcontent=23281
62 0.62 ms
SELECT * FROM bannieres
                WHERE publish=1
                AND valid=1
                AND is_bottom=1
                AND date_start<=NOW()
                AND date_end>=NOW()
                ORDER BY bannieres.order ASC
                LIMIT 0,10

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