templates/includes/aside/videos/dvd_search.html.twig line 1

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  1. <section class="tc-panel tc-bgcolor-context tc-desktop-1_1 tc-tablet-1_2">
  2.     <div class="tc-panel-header">
  3.         <h3>Rechercher un titre</h3>
  4.     </div>
  5.     <div class="tc-panel-body">
  6.         <div class="tc-block">
  7.             <div class="tc-block-body">
  8.                 <form method="post" action="/videos/dvd/type/tous" id="recherche_dvd">
  9.                     <div class="input-group">
  10.                         {{ form_widget(formAsideSearch.title) }}
  11.                         <div class="input-group-button">
  12.                             <input type="submit" name="OK" value="OK"/>
  13.                         </div>
  14.                     </div>
  15.                 </form>
  16.             </div>
  17.         </div>
  18.     </div>
  19. </section>
  20. {% if type_recherche is not defined %}
  21.     {% set type_recherche = '' %}
  22. {% endif %}
  23. {% set titre_page = '' %}
  24. {% if infos_type.titre_page is defined and infos_type.titre_page %}
  25.     {% set titre_page = infos_type.titre_page %}
  26. {% endif %}
  27. <section class="tc-panel tc-bgcolor-context tc-desktop-1_1 tc-tablet-1_2">
  28.     <div class="tc-panel-header">
  29.         <h3>Recherche&nbsp;alphabétique</h3>
  30.     </div>
  31.     <div class="tc-panel-body">
  32.         <div class="tc-block">
  33.             <ul class="tc-alpha">
  34.                 {% for key,value in alphabet %}
  35.                     {% if value.ok is defined and value.ok is not empty and value.ok %}
  36.                     <li>
  37.                         <a href="/videos/dvd/type/tous?lettre={{ value.nom }}&type_recherche={{ type_recherche }}"
  38.                         title="DVD {{ titre_page }} à la lettre {{ value.nom }}">{{ value.nom }}</a>
  39.                     </li>
  40.                     {% else %}
  41.                     <li class="tc-active-alpha">
  42.                         {{ value.nom }}
  43.                     </li>
  44.                     {% endif %}
  45.                 {% endfor %}
  46.             </ul>
  47.         </div>
  48.         {% if list_dvds is defined and list_dvds %}
  49.         <div class="tc-block">
  50.             <div class="tc-block-header">
  51.                 <h3>Filtrer par type</h3>
  52.             </div>
  53.             <div class="tc-block-body">
  54.                 <ul>
  55.                     {% for cle,type in types_persons %}
  56.                         {% if type.on is defined and type.on %}
  57.                             <li class="tc-active">
  58.                         {% else %}
  59.                             <li>
  60.                         {% endif %}
  61.                             <a href="/videos/dvd/type/tous?lettre={{ alpha }}&type_recherche={{ cle }}">{{ type.type_person }}</a>
  62.                         </li>
  63.                     {% endfor %}
  64.                 </ul>
  65.             </div>
  66.         </div>
  67.         <div class="tc-block">
  68.             <div class="tc-block-header">
  69.                 <h3>
  70.                     {{ infos_type.type_person }}
  71.                     {% if alpha is defined and alpha %} à la lettre&nbsp;{{ alpha }}{% endif %}
  72.                 </h3>
  73.             </div>
  74.             <div class="tc-block-body">
  75.                 <ul>
  76.                     {% for idperson,person in persons %}
  77.                         <li><a href="/biographies/{{ person.url_clean }}/dvd"><span class="lastname">{{ person.lastname }}</span> {{ person.firstname }}</a></li>
  78.                     {% endfor %}
  79.                 </ul>
  80.             </div>
  81.         </div>
  82.         {% endif %}
  83.     </div>
  84. </section>