templates/critiques/audios.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'critiques/critiques-header.inc.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block content %}
  3.     {% include 'includes/navigation.inc.html.twig' %}
  4.     <main class="tc-desktop-2_3 tc-phone-1_1">
  5.         <section class="tc-panel tc-panel-article">
  6.             <div class="tc-panel-header">
  7.                 <h1>écouter</h1>
  8.             </div>
  9.             {% if list_captations is defined and list_captations %}
  10.             <div class="tc-panel-body tc-panel-article">
  11.                 {% for idpodcast,podcast in list_captations %}
  12.                 <div class="tc-block tc-block-article">
  13.                     <div class="tc-block-header">
  14.                         <div class="tc-textwrap-title tc-critiques-tpl-"><span class="tc-titre" style="font-size: 1.1rem;">{{ podcast.title }}</span></div>
  15.                     </div>
  16.                     <div class="tc-block-body">
  17.                         <p>
  18.                             {{ podcast.description|raw }}
  19.                         </p>
  20.                         <div class="tc-text-label">
  21.                             {{ podcast.date_podcast_str }}
  22.                         </div>
  23.                         {{ podcast.player|raw }}
  24.                         {% if podcast.count_infos_total is defined and podcast.count_infos_total %}
  25.                         <div class="">
  26.                             <a class="tc-btn-simple tc-open-content tc-title-{{ idpodcast }}" data-idpodcast="{{ idpodcast }}">Voir les liens associés</a>
  27.                             <div class="tc-hidden-block tc-block-{{ idpodcast }}" style="display: none;">
  28.                                 <ul class="tc-clean-list">
  29.                                     {% if podcast.podcast_person is defined and podcast.podcast_person %}
  30.                                     <li class="tc-textwrap-auteur tc-biographies-tpl-">
  31.                                         <span class="tc-text-label-inline">Personne(s) : </span>
  32.                                         {% for idperson,author in podcast.podcast_person %}
  33.                                         <span>
  34.                                             <a class="tc-titre" href="/biographies/{{ author.url_clean }}">{{ author.firstname }} {{ author.lastname }}</a>{% if author.nopunct is not defined or (author.nopunct is defined and not author.nopunct) %}, {% endif %}
  35.                                         </span>
  36.                                         {% endfor %}
  37.                                     </li>
  38.                                     {% endif %}
  39.                                     {% if podcast.podcast_text is defined and podcast.podcast_text %}
  40.                                     <li class="tc-textwrap-titre tc-editions-tpl-a">
  41.                                         <span class="tc-text-label-inline">Texte(s) : </span>
  42.                                         {% for idtext,text in podcast.podcast_text %}
  43.                                         <span>
  44.                                             <a class="tc-titre" href="/textes/{{ text.url_clean }}/">{{ text.title }}</a>{% if text.nopunct is not defined or (text.nopunct is defined and not text.nopunct) %}, {% endif %}
  45.                                         </span>
  46.                                         {% endfor %}
  47.                                     </li>
  48.                                     {% endif %}
  49.                                     {% if podcast.podcast_spectacle is defined and podcast.podcast_spectacle %}
  50.                                     <li class="tc-textwrap-titre tc-spectacles-tpl-a">
  51.                                         <span class="tc-text-label-inline">Spectacle(s) : </span>
  52.                                         {% for idspectacle,spectacle in podcast.podcast_spectacle %}
  53.                                         <span>
  54.                                             <a class="tc-titre" href="/spectacles/{{ spectacle.url_clean }}">{{ spectacle.view_name }}</a>{% if spectacle.nopunct is not defined or (spectacle.nopunct is defined and not spectacle.nopunct) %}, {% endif %}
  55.                                         </span>
  56.                                         {% endfor %}
  57.                                     </li>
  58.                                     {% endif %}
  59.                                     {% if podcast.podcast_contact is defined and podcast.podcast_contact %}
  60.                                     <li class="tc-textwrap-titre tc-contacts-tpl-">
  61.                                         <span class="tc-text-label-inline">Structures(s) : </span>
  62.                                         {% for idcontact,contact in podcast.podcast_contact %}
  63.                                         <span>
  64.                                             <a class="tc-titre" href="/contacts/{{ contact.url_clean }}">{{ contact.view_name }}</a>{% if contact.nopunct is not defined or (contact.nopunct is defined and not contact.nopunct) %}, {% endif %}
  65.                                         </span>
  66.                                         {% endfor %}
  67.                                     </li>
  68.                                     {% endif %}
  69.                                 </ul>
  70.                             </div>
  71.                         </div>
  72.                         {% endif %}
  73.                     </div>
  74.                 </div>
  75.                 {% endfor %}
  76.             </div>
  77.             <div class="tc-panel-footer">
  78.                 {% include 'includes/pagination.inc.html.twig' %}
  79.             </div>
  80.             {% endif %}
  81.             <script>
  82.                 $(document).ready(function(){
  83.                     $('.tc-open-content').click(function(e){
  84.                         var idpodcast = $(this).data('idpodcast');
  85.                         if($('.tc-block-'+idpodcast).css('display') == 'none'){
  86.                             $('.tc-block-'+idpodcast).css('display', 'block');
  87.                             $('.tc-title-'+idpodcast).text('Fermer les liens associés');
  88.                         }
  89.                         else{
  90.                             $('.tc-title-'+idpodcast).text('Voir les liens associés');
  91.                             $('.tc-block-'+idpodcast).css('display', 'none');
  92.                         }
  93.                     });
  94.                 });
  95.             </script>
  96.         </section>
  97.     </main>
  98. {% endblock %}