templates/contacts/contact_entete.inc.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'templates.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block headcontent %}
  3.     {% include 'montheatre/bookmarking.inc.html.twig' %}
  4.     <section class="tc-header tc-logo-rubriques" id="top">
  5.         <header class="tc-panel">
  6.             {% if bandeau is defined and bandeau is not empty%}
  7.                 <figure class="tc-desktop-1_1 tc-banniere">
  8.                     <a href="/contacts/{{ url_clean }}/">
  9.                         {% if bandeau.0.url_file_path is defined and bandeau.0.url_file_path is not empty %}
  10.                             <img style="width:100%" src="{{ bandeau.0.url_file_path }}" alt="{{ data_object.organisation }}" />
  11.                         {% endif %}
  12.                     </a>
  13.                 </figure>
  14.             {% endif %}
  15.             <div class="tc-desktop-2_3 tc-phone-1_1 tc-background-blur">
  16.                 {% if profilepicture is defined and profilepicture %}
  17.                     <style>
  18.                         .tc-background-blur::before{
  19.                             background-image: url('{{ profilepicture }}');
  20.                         }
  21.                     </style>
  22.                 <figure class="tc-phone-1_1 tc-tablet-1_6">
  23.                     <a href="/contacts/{{ url_clean }}">
  24.                         <img class="tc-border-neutral" src="{{ profilepicture }}" alt="Photo de {{ data_object.fullname }}" />
  25.                     </a>
  26.                 </figure>
  27.                 {% endif %}
  28.                 <div class="tc-header row tc-phone-1_1 tc-tablet-5_6">
  29.                     <header>
  30.                         <h1>{{ data_object.fullname }}</h1>
  31.                         {% if data_object.nom_suite is defined and data_object.nom_suite %}
  32.                         <h3 class="tc-shout">{{ data_object.nom_suite }}</h3>
  33.                         {% endif %}
  34.                         {% if data_object.typestructure.typestructure is defined and data_object.typestructure.typestructure %}
  35.                         <span class="tc-text-label">
  36.                             Type de structure : <a class="tc-color-link" href="/contacts/structures/liste?idtypestructure={{ data_object.idtypestructure }}">{{ data_object.typestructure.typestructure }}</a>
  37.                         </span>
  38.                         {% endif %}
  39.                         {% if data_object.boss is defined and data_object.boss %}
  40.                         <span class="tc-textwrap-auteur">Direction :
  41.                             {% for idperson,person in data_object.boss %}
  42.                                 <a href="/biographies/{{ person.url_clean }}/" class="tc-color-link">
  43.                                     {{ person.firstname }} {{ person.lastname }}
  44.                                     {% if person.nopunct is not defined or (person.nopunct is defined and not person.nopunct) %}
  45.                                     ,
  46.                                     {% endif %}
  47.                                 </a>
  48.                             {% endfor %}
  49.                         </span>
  50.                         {% endif %}
  51.                     </header>
  52.                 </div>
  53.             </div>
  54.             <div class="tc-panel-body tc-desktop-1_3 tc-phone-1_1">
  55.                 <div class="tc-block tc-border-neutral">
  56.                     <div class="tc-block-body-text">
  57.                     <ul class="tc-clean-list">
  58.                         {% if data_object.url is defined and data_object.url is not empty %}
  59.                         <li>
  60.                             <a href="{{ data_object.url }}" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" title="Site de {{ data_object.organisation }} (nouvelle fenĂȘtre)" class="site padl">Site Internet</a>
  61.                         </li>
  62.                         {% endif %}
  63.                         {% if data_object.facebook is defined and data_object.facebook is not empty %}
  64.                         <li>
  65.                             <a href="{{ data_object.facebook }}" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" title="Profil facebook de {{ data_object.organisation }}" class="facebook padl">Page Facebook</a>
  66.                         </li>
  67.                         {% endif %}
  68.                         {% if data_object.twitter is defined and data_object.twitter is not empty %}
  69.                         <li>
  70.                             <a href="{{ data_object.twitter }}" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" title="Profil twitter de {{ data_object.organisation }}" class="twitter padl">Profil Twitter</a>
  71.                         </li>
  72.                         {% endif %}
  73.                         {% if data_object.instagram is defined and data_object.instagram is not empty %}
  74.                         <li>
  75.                             <a href="{{ data_object.instagram }}" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" title="Profil instagram de {{ data_object.organisation }}" class="instagram padl">Profil Instagram</a>
  76.                         </li>
  77.                         {% endif %}
  78.                         {% if data_object.urlTicket is defined and data_object.urlTicket %}
  79.                         <li>
  80.                             <a href="{{ data_object.urlTicket }}" target="__blank" class="site padl">Billetterie en ligne</a>
  81.                         </li>
  82.                         {% endif %}
  83.                         {% if data_object.phone2 is defined and data_object.phone2 is not empty %}
  84.                         <li>
  85.                             <span class="phone padl">RĂ©servation <a href="tel:{{ data_object.phone2 }}">{{ data_object.phone2 }}</a></span>
  86.                         </li>
  87.                         {% endif %}
  88.                         {% if data_object.phone1 is defined and data_object.phone1 is not empty%}
  89.                         <li>
  90.                             <span class="phone padl">Administration <a href="tel:{{ data_object.phone1 }}">{{ data_object.phone1 }}</a></span>
  91.                         </li>
  92.                         {% endif %}
  93.                     </ul>
  94.                     </div>
  95.                 </div>
  96.             </div>
  97.         </header>
  98.         <nav class="tc-subnav">
  99.             <ul>
  100.                 {% for k,v in menu_object %}
  101.                     {% if v.submenu is defined and v.submenu %}
  102.                     <li>
  103.                         {% if v.nom is defined and v.nom %}
  104.                         <a>
  105.                             {{ v.nom }}
  106.                         </a>
  107.                         <ul>
  108.                             {% for ksub,vsub in v.submenu %}
  109.                             <li>
  110.                                 <a href="/contacts/{{ url_clean }}/{{ ksub }}/">{{ vsub.nom }}</a>
  111.                             </li>
  112.                             {% endfor %}
  113.                         </ul>
  114.                         {% endif %}
  115.                         </li>
  116.                     {% else %}
  117.                         {% if v.active is not defined or (v.active is defined and not v.active) %}
  118.                         <li>
  119.                             {% set title_name = '' %}
  120.                             {% if v.title is defined and v.title %}
  121.                                 {% set title_name = v.title %}
  122.                             {% endif %}
  123.                             {% if v.first is defined and v.first %}
  124.                             <a href="/contacts/{{ url_clean }}/{{ k }}/" title="{{ title_name }}">{{ v.nom|raw }}</a>
  125.                             {% else %}
  126.                             <a href="/contacts/{{ url_clean }}/{{ k }}/" title="{{ title_name }}">{{ v.nom|raw }}</a>
  127.                             {% endif %}
  128.                         </li>
  129.                         {% elseif v.active == 'on' and v.title is defined and v.title %}
  130.                             <li class="tc-item-on" >
  131.                                 <a href="/contacts/{{ url_clean }}/{{ k }}/" title="{{ v.title }}">{{ v.nom|raw }}</a>
  132.                             </li>
  133.                         {% endif %}
  134.                     {% endif %}
  135.                 {% endfor %}
  136.             </ul>
  137.         </nav>
  138.     </section>
  139.     {% include 'includes/navigation.inc.html.twig' %}
  140. {% endblock %}
  141. {% block javascripts %}
  142.     {{ parent() }}
  143.     <script src="{{ racine_site }}/navigation/js/france-culture/iframe-size.js"></script>
  144.     <script src="{{ racine_site }}/navigation/js/france-inter/iframe-size.js"></script>
  145. {% endblock %}