templates/biographies/ensavoirplus.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'biographies/biographie_entete.inc.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block subcontents %}
  3. <main class="tc-desktop-2_3 tc-phone-1_1">
  4.     <section class="tc-panel tc-panel-article">
  5.         <div class="tc-panel-header">
  6.             {% if bioarticles.title is defined and bioarticles.title is not empty %}
  7.                 <h1>{{ bioarticles.title|raw }}</h1>
  8.             {% endif %}
  9.             {% if bioarticles.subtitle is defined and bioarticles.subtitle is not empty %}
  10.                 <h3>{{ bioarticles.subtitle|raw }}</h3>
  11.             {% endif %}
  12.             {% if bioarticles.deck is defined and bioarticles.deck is not empty %}
  13.                 <div class="tc-chapeau">
  14.                     <p>{{ bioarticles.deck|raw }}</p>
  15.                 </div>
  16.             {% endif %}
  17.         </div>
  18.         <div class="tc-panel-body">
  19.             <div class="tc-block tc-block-article">
  20.                 <div class="tc-block-body tc-block-content-custom">
  21.                     {% if bioarticles.media is defined and bioarticles.media %}
  22.                         {% for video in bioarticles.media %}
  23.                         <div class="tc-video-16_9">
  24.                             <iframe width="{{ video.div_width }}" height="{{ video.div_height }}" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allow="fullscreen" src="/embed/{{ video.code }}?no_title"></iframe>
  25.                         </div>
  26.                         {% endfor %}
  27.                     {% endif %}
  28.                     {% if bioarticles.is_link is defined and bioarticles.is_link %}
  29.                         <!-- <p flexy:if="bioarticles[link]">
  30.                             <a href="{{ bioarticles.link }}"
  31.                                 title="{{ bioarticles.title }} (Nouvelle fenĂȘtre)" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">
  32.                                 <strong>Lire l'article (site externe)</strong>
  33.                             </a>
  34.                         </p> -->
  35.                         {% if bioarticles.link is defined and bioarticles.link %}
  36.                         <p>
  37.                             Lien vers l'article : <a href="{{ bioarticles.link }}" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" >{{ bioarticles.link_cut }}</a>
  38.                         </p>
  39.                         {% endif %}
  40.                     {% else %}
  41.                         {% if bioarticles.text is defined and bioarticles.text %}
  42.                             <p>{{ bioarticles.text|raw }}</p>
  43.                         {% endif %}
  44.                         {% if bioarticles.link is defined and bioarticles.link %}
  45.                         <p>
  46.                             <a href="{{ bioarticles.link }}" title="{{ bioarticles.linktitle }} (Nouvelle fenĂȘtre)" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">
  47.                                 {{ bioarticles.linktitle }}
  48.                             </a>
  49.                         </p>
  50.                         {% endif %}
  51.                         {% if bioarticles.writer is defined and bioarticles.writer %}
  52.                             <p class="tc-signature-article tc-right">{{ bioarticles.writer|raw }} </p>
  53.                         {% endif %}
  54.                         {% if bioarticles.date is defined and bioarticles.date %}
  55.                             <p>{{ bioarticles.date }} </p>
  56.                         {% endif %}
  57.                     {% endif %}
  58.                 </div>
  59.                 {% if bioarticles.source is defined and bioarticles.source %}
  60.                 <div class="tc-block-footer">
  61.                     <p class="tc-text-label">(source :
  62.                         {% if bioarticles.source_description is defined and bioarticles.source_description %}
  63.                             {{ bioarticles.source_description }} |
  64.                         {% endif %}
  65.                         <a href="{{ bioarticles.source_link }}">{{ bioarticles.source_link_short }}</a>)
  66.                     </p>
  67.                 </div>
  68.                 {% endif %}
  69.                 <hr>
  70.                 {% include 'includes/pdfs.inc.html.twig' with {'detailarticle': bioarticles} %}
  71.             </div>
  72.         </div>
  73.     </section>
  74. </main>
  75. {% endblock %}